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Anyone else not currently in homeschool bliss?


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I don't know if it's some kind of growth cycle, or if it was the fun of the long weekend, or if it was the example of the company DS spent time with last Sunday, or if I provoked it with the regrouping or maybe misinterpreting him during math yesterday but DS's behavior has been worse than it has been in months. This is day two of his acting out in the midst of which he wrote me a note that with a drawing that says he loves his mother. I don't know what is going on inside him and he's not one to be able to answer the question, either. I could deal with this better if I could just understand it.


On the bright side .. I'm not responding with a curriculum overhaul. :001_huh: If only our problems were so easily solved, then I would welcome them just for the joy of shopping that they bring. *sigh*


Perhaps tomorrow will bring back our bliss... until next time.

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Yes! I was so looking forward to this year and determined to do more fun stuff/interest-led style. We have been trying to get going for three weeks and have yet to complete everything I consider necessary in a day, much less get to fun. It seems like we just can't get going. Things are taking longer than I thought or we just don't have our flow down yet. My oldest isn't quite as independent as I thought he would be with some of the curriculum I selected, but I think it is just a matter of setting up some habits and skills. And, all of the kids asked to switch to Horizons math after using TT for a year or two. So, now I have to teach math. I don't mind because I have found that they weren't really retaining things with math on the computer, but it just takes more of my time.


Hopefully, we will find our groove and things will smooth out soon. Just goes to show, each new grade and child brings new challenges. I have been at this for twelve years with four different kids and each year seems to bring new growing experiences for me.

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Guest Bellaandmilly

How comforting to come on here and read this. I guess misery truly does love company. I was starting to worry it was just a first time homeschooling thing and I was screwing up already. We are in our third week and starting up yesterday after the labor day weekend we had a miserable day. Neither of the girls were great, but my 8 year old was in rare form. Today was a little better, but not much. So glad to hear others are experiencing this too and I am not alone. :tongue_smilie:

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I feel my first post was a bit short. We've had our ups and downs, especially since other aspects of our family life are in transition. The moments of bliss come. If school gets done with minimal complaint, it's just another day. Some days are good, some days are bad. The bad ones seem to occur in a series and the good ones pop up intermittently and seem to be fleeting.


But the moment when your reluctant and struggling reader opens a random book and starts reading. Awesome!

The phone call where your child tells a homeschool skeptic all about black holes because he was caught up in a Nova series. Fantastic!

When your kids hug you at the end of the day and tell you how much they love you. Icing on the cake.


Hang in there. I can't say when it will get better, but the day will come.

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DS is a bit past six and a half. Maybe he is experiencing the curse of seven (on up) early so that he will be delightful through all those years (don't burst my bubble). Meanwhile, on an almost unrelated note, I bought him new jeans just three months ago and now they are ridiculously too short to get away with wearing in public. Is this something else normal for this age?


I'm glad my misery is a comfort to someone else. :tongue_smilie:No, really. :D

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