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Calling Dr. Hive!!

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We survived the move but we brought some stragglers with us - we tossed our coffeepot and toaster because they were harboring fugitives, but we are hoping we can wipe them out before they find a new home (please oh please.... biggest fear...)


First night we spent in the new place, we had a window open cause we did not have any A/C so I got lots of bug bites (but not too bad) just in annoying normal places like hands and feet. DS got a couple on his face (nose and ears).


Last night was third night, DH and I went to a concert as a belated birthday present for DH and due to traffic, we did not get home till very late. DH and I have been cleaning/unpacking, and I was letting DS help me with cleaning some of the windows and baseboards when I saw a rash on the back of his leg.


So I asked him to lay down on his stomach - his lower leg is covered in bug bites.


BD thinks it might be bed bugs. My mom has different ideas. I have no idea.



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If the window has Ben open, it could have been Mosquitos. Definitely give some benydryl. Bless his heart. Maybe cover in bug spray before tonight.


Thanks. That is what I am thinking too. I discovered today that the screen has a couple small tears in it, too. We are going to go out and get some benadryl today - I don't think I have any bug spray I will have to check diaper bag -- we have never had a backyard or bugs to deal with.

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I think they are flea bites. I emailed my babysitter and she said that her dog had them very bad. Yesterday, DS spent all day with her. Last seems most likely culprit.


So now I need to know what to do I do?


If they are fleas you simply need to wash everything. If you have pets they will need to be treated. Anything not washable stick in a bag for a few weeks. Fleas won't stay on humans. They might bite once or twice but then they move on. I would be more prone to think those were from mosquitoes and he is just reacting to them. I've never seen flea bites like that, but then everyone reacts a little differently.

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Those don't look like flea bites to me. I'm not sure what they are, though.


If they are fleas, good luck. You need this stuff (and your location says that you're near me; if you want, PM me, and I'll tell you where to get it locally): http://www.domyownpestcontrol.com/ultracide-20-oz-p-175.html It's nasty and expensive, but it works amazingly well. Don't mess with the stuff from the pet store, WalMart, etc., as they will not do the job. You will need to vacuum thoroughly, then spray Ultracide on all floor and couch surfaces. When it dries, vacuum again, and vacuum as much as you can for a couple of weeks. If you're still seeing fleas and bites after 14 days, spray another round of Ultracide. By day 21, the fleas should be gone.


Also, you need to thoroughly wash with flea shampoo and comb any pets, and then they need substantial flea treatment.

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That's what my middle two boys look like when they get mosquito bites. My 5yo's back looked like that last night. My brother used to be the same way as a kid.


Cortizone cream takes the itch away, and they go down in a few days as long as my boys don't scratch at them.

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I have no experience with fleas - we have no pets. I emailed my babysitter to see if she noticed anything yesterday and she mentioned her dog has fleas very bad.


We just moved into new apartment, so I have no idea if it is from the new apartment (something here before we moved in) We did give DS some topical benadryl cream tonight but he hasn't been scratching at his bites.


What bad timing.


And I still have no idea what it is.


ETA: I think I am going to give it a day or two and see if the marks go down. I guess if they do, I am assuming it's just mosquitos. Thanks for the link for the ultracide- I will PM you if they get worse I will take DS to Dr. to see if he has nay ideas.


I am wondering if for good measure I should steam clean carpets?

Edited by A.Balaban
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