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Weird allergic reaction?

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Had a weird reaction today. I took three of the kids and walked to the store. We went the long way because because my neighbor mentioned that there were lots of blackberry bushes over that way. Well, I ate one of the blackberries and about 15-20 minutes later, it felt like my throat was swelling just a little bit. I had Sam run ahead and meet me with some Benedryl, which I took. It didn't seem to really work until about an hour to an hour and a half later. Once the Benedryl took affect, I was really sleepy (it knocks me out), so I went to lie down. It was then that I realized that I had some pain in my knees (haven't had pain in my knees for quite a while), my right foot was aching where I had the Morton's neuroma removed, my left heel was the worst it's been in over a month, and I had some chest pain identical to what I was feeling with the reflux a couple of months ago.


I've had blackberries before so I don't know what it is. They were along the sidewalk of a busy street so my guesses are pollution from the road, something sprayed on them, blackberry + walking = exercise induced anaphylaxis (I do get red itchy legs and welts with strenuous exercise like the old running a mile in school), or something totally different.


It's about time for the Benedryl to start wearing off and I still have the pain in my chest along the length of my esophagus so I'm on the lookout for returning symptoms. Just weird.


Any guesses?

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No one has had any but me. The rest are in the fridge waiting to be cleaned and turned into a crisp.


We were on a busy road and the bushes were growing on a steep downhill slope. So I made the littles stay on the sidewalk, and my older ds can't touch them as he gets hives from raw blackberries. The littles don't like them; the older can't eat them unless they are cooked.


They looked like normal healthy plants. Nice thick vines with lots of perfect green leaves.


The cool part is that we saw three garter snakes while picking.

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