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Cleaning out the garage is what they do in hell.

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We spent this week clearing out our store room which is tacked onto the side of the garage and acts as garage overflow. We did well but it was a hellish week. I did find about 4000 kilner jars and some cool steam engine toys though but I also realised I keep too much stuff just in case.


Now the garage is a disaster as all the crap haven't parted with got moved in there.

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Wegot both cars in this weekend!!! Which means we finished a lot of the remaining boxes. that were in there!


Now to deal with the minor matter of two large boxes of extension cords, cables, and such that dh refuses to part with!:glare:


Woo Hoo!! That's awesome! :) :hurray: :cheers2: :thumbup:

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Wegot both cars in this weekend!!! Which means we finished a lot of the remaining boxes. that were in there!


Now to deal with the minor matter of two large boxes of extension cords, cables, and such that dh refuses to part with!:glare:


You must have my dh's twin...only in addition to the cords and cables, he has empty boxes and left-over building supplies. I did get him to grudgingly part with one piece of insulation.

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