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2 weeks to go and I haven't planned a thing


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I am SO unmotivated and I don't know why. We've had a really busy summer and it feels like I haven't gotten to relax much. I think that has to be part of it. And then I look at everything that needs to be cleaned and organized....and all the books that need to be planned and scheduled, and ugh. I just don't feel like doing it. Usually August is so exciting for planning and looking through all of our books...and I just don't want to do it. ugggg.

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I feel you. I thought I knew what we were doing, but we are moving later next month, and I needed to make lots of changes as a result. We will be on the road (hotel hopping), so I need to downsize our books. I am more than a little frazzled.


You can do it, though.



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What I do to get motivated is to go online and read the descriptions, the glowing reviews of the curricula that I bought to renew my excitement. If that enthusiasm isn't there, I'm not motivated. I also thumb through the materials. Sending you good vibrations. I know what it is to be in a funk.

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I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I feel more tired and disorganised now than I did at the beginning of the summer. We start back in just under two weeks' time, and at the moment I just can't imagine how I'm going to be ready by then. I am looking forward to getting back into the school routine though. We're just getting towards the end of two weeks' vacation and it's feeling like very hard work, I do like my routine :001_smile:.

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You are not alone. You can barely see the floor of our school room, and I was supposed to start school the first week of August. However, my FIL became very ill, and we needed to make an emergency trip to see him. Then, I needed to have a small surgical procedure a week after we returned. This week, we had some appointments and we have some obligations later in the week that will interfere with school (they were planned in Feb). So, I was thinking we'd start next week, but I don't have time to finish planning/organizing between now and then. We are definitely starting ON Labor Day so dad can be here to help.


Sometimes, life happens... including falling into slumps. It will be okay.

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