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So - my current Kinder student really dislikes OPGTR. She can do it without ....


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I wonder if she is resistant because it's not really a challenge? Maybe move up to the point where it becomes a challenge? Also, you could try having her read one Bob Book or a phonics reader with pictures after each lesson as a reward. Some kids just want to read books with pictures. :)

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All three of my kids hated reading OPG out of the book. I used magnet letters, wrote on white boards, typed up the lessons with just the student part, made booklets for them to illustrate with the silly stories, and did other things so they didn't have to read out of that busy book in the beginning. It worked great! By the time we hit lesson 70 or so, all three were OK with reading out of the book with no complaints. I do give them an index card to hold under the words and sentences they're reading.


My littlest one is around Lesson 160 and I'm kinda sad to be nearing the end. All three are strong readers and have thrived using OPG.


ETA: Oh, yeah, and we use bribery, too. I made some charts like they use for summer reading program and she gets to put a sticker over the lesson number when she completes that lesson. Sometimes that sticker is the only way we get through the lesson.

Edited by ladydusk
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