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DD9's commentary on how our family runs.


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Yesterday we read about Sargon in SOTW 1. After reading dd was narrating back to me the bit about the area being controlled through military dictatorship and what that meant. She paused and then went on this long explanation of how our family is run by a "parental" dictatorship. She said dad was Sargon and I was the army.:glare:



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Lol! I had a similar exchange with my oldest son! I was getting onto him about picking up his legos and he got mad and yelled, "You dictator! I don't want to do what you say!" I asked him if he even knew what a dictator was and he answered, "Someone who makes everyone do what they say, like Sargon!" I guess he was paying attention after all!

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I'm sure my kids would agree that we have a parental dictatorship here, although I think Dad would be the army & I'm Sargon ...


My kids like to sing along with They Might Be Giants, including their

song (Sargon, Hammurabi, Ashurbanipal & Gilgamesh).


We haven't started history yet this year, but I'm looking forward to doing Ancients again. :-)

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