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7th grade Science


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I was looking at buying BJU this year and then I stumbled on Rainbow Science. It looks so great! It is a 2 year program (uses the same teacher text both x's) and comes with every little thing for doing experiments.


IT is expensive, but all inclusive. I have been asking questions about it over on the h.s. board - have had very favorable responses from those ladies and they feel it is very suitable for high school prep and college prep.


What I like about it is this = Not dry and boring (did Apologia Gen. Science this year - very in depth, but dry and colorless). The author uses humor and catches the kids' attention. Also, it is geared to be child independent (although I"m sure I'm going to tag along), and the sections per day are fairly short and to the point - not TONS of reading each day like Apol. Has good discussion questions, etc. I think it is set up to do 2 lessons per week + 1 lab. (H.s. Board says if your kid is high science - do the schedue to finish it all in one year). My son and I are both looking forward to this program.

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