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Does this sound something you'd be interested in?


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I think at this point the homeschool market is pretty saturated. I don't think there's a ton of room for growth unless something wer very unique.


But if you enjoy doing this as a labor of love, and you don't invest money in the writing and development then why not do it? I was pretty surprised back when HOD came on the science because to me it looks like a more expensive harder to implement MFW. But it really took off and I'm sure the author feels great not only about the $$ but about using her gifts for the grater good.


So why not?

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I think there is always room for more homeschool curriculum. Even if it is similar to another program, it will still have your spin on it and different book selections that may work better for someone else.


My biggest thing is, what is your background that you feel you can step up to such a big project? Also, would you be able to complete levels in a timely manner. Most people want to stick with a program once they get started with it.


We use HOD. Carrie Austin is a former teacher (knowledge) and current homeschool mom. (experience) She also works very hard and releases a new level every year so I have used their program for the last 4 years.

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Would this be secular? A program similar to HOD or maybe TOG that is secular would be very welcome.


Hmmm....I just reread your post. I missed the worldview the first time. So, that answers my question. Then I guess I would be interested if it were similar to HOD with the worldview being a subject which could just be left out. I prefer the religious aspects not be integrated into all subjects.

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I think a website with articles & guidance (for free) would help establish credibility. Linda Fay (Higher Up, Further In) has a lot of content on her site, plus older children (I think some have graduated) and the stunning content of her articles lend her credibility.


I love simplicity. I've seen samples of TOG and just felt lost. Anything making it more open & go is appreciated. Even if I don't need it, I feel better knowing it's there incase I'm sick but the kids are fine. (Such as notebooking pages, flashcards, perhaps even checklists written directly to the older students).


The other big plus would be easy to get books that aren't OOP! My library is not that great, and it seems every curriculum has books listed that are hard to find or expensive. It seems one person designs a curriculum based on what's on her shelves, but doesn't have alternatives for others.


You might consider selling modules with optional overall plans. Maybe even offer a price for a custom 36 week plan based on that family's choice modules. So you could have American History 1, Worldview, Astronomy, etc. all different and offer the individual plans for a low price, or a package deal for a higher price. Some people will only want 1 thing, or they might want to try 1 module/subject just to see if they like your format.

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