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diff. between older First language lessons and newer


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I don't have the answer you are looking for, but I can say that I used the older, combined version and then moved into the new version for level three and it was smooth sailing. In fact, my younger son is trucking through the older combined version now. I think that the format (separate teacher book and workbook) probably alleviates some of the awkwardness of sometimes needing your child to look a the passage with you in the the book or flipping back to a previous passage while trying to maintain the teacher script. But we just put together a quick folder with notebook paper and he does the copywork and dictation in that. Again, in the new workbooks you wouldn't need to write out the copywork for them, but it is very short and my son likes to critique my handwriting ;)

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Supposedly, the newer version of 1&2 coordinates better with WWE cutting out some of the overlap. I have the new version so I don't know to what extent that is true. It seems that the differences are minor from what I've gathered on the boards.


There is not and never was a workbook for levels 1&2. It has always just been the teacher's manual. The student workbook starts in level 3. You may be confusing it with WWE which has student pages. FLL1 is mostly oral; FLL2 has more copywork and dictation. We do these on a separate piece of notebook paper.

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Supposedly, the newer version of 1&2 coordinates better with WWE cutting out some of the overlap. I have the new version so I don't know to what extent that is true. It seems that the differences are minor from what I've gathered on the boards.


There is not and never was a workbook for levels 1&2. It has always just been the teacher's manual. The student workbook starts in level 3. You may be confusing it with WWE which has student pages. FLL1 is mostly oral; FLL2 has more copywork and dictation. We do these on a separate piece of notebook paper.


:iagree: this is what I've heard about the difference also. We don't do a lot of the FLL copy work and dictation since we are doing a lot elsewhere.

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I have both. I bought the new one, then figured for $5 at a used cirriculum sale I could use the old one for level 2. I actually will not be using the old one (I'm going to buy a new Level 2 when we get there).


The new format is just sooo much more pleasant to the eye. It has the same content. The old is just more squished and harder to read? It isn't even BAD, per se, it just is not nice compared to the new format.


I think a few changes in wording have happened, but it is essentially the same content. Very little different.

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I used the older version 9 yrs ago and now I am using the newer version. The content appears to be very similar, but the layout is nicer for my aging eyes and I like that the book can lie flat. Granted, you can get the older versions very inexpensively, but I am very happy with the easy to read layout.

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There are no content differences between the hardback FLL 1/2 combined and the new versions, EXCEPT (remembering from last year) they have taken out the poem reviews in FLL2 that include poems from FLL1. I read somewhere before I bought the separate version of FLL2 that the narration and copywork had been changed to line up better with WWE, but that is incorrect. It is all still included. Also the picture studies are actual famous artwork vs. drawings by one of the co-authors. The bigger, paperback versions are definitely easier to read. There are no workbooks for FLL1 or FLL2; all the work is oral, and copywork is done on separate paper.

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Maybe this should be a separate thread... people are saying that FLL "lines up with" WWE. I'm not understanding how. The first lesson in FLL level 1 is about the poem The Caterpillar and nouns and the first lesson in WWE uses a passage from Little House in the Big Woods and capital letters at beg. of sentence and period at end. ??

If they are "lined up", is there a schedule to do so? How do they "line up"? It seems it that the nouns could be taught along with the same Little House passage (or a diff. suitable one)- meaning- why not combine the program more? Same literature selection to teach grammar and writing? There are plenty of nouns in the Little House passage! But there might be something I'm not aware of as I haven't read all the background info yet on the methods of each book.

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FLL 1/2 was written a number of years before WWE.


They do line up in that they introduce grammar concepts at roughly the same time. So, for example, when the student is learning about action verbs in FLL, the copywork in WWE may have a couple of action verbs and ask the student to pick them out and underline them around more or less the same time in the program.


They do not at all use the same passages, and they don't coordinate exactly on anything. At least the old version, and from what people are saying it sounds like not in the new one either.

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hmmm- I guess I haven't looked at them thoroughly enough yet to see... I'm guessing they "line up" somewhat if you do the recommended lessons per week?? we NEVER (rarely) do what is planned or suggested.... it will either be more or less or some weeks none!

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