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I cried from relief

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We've been homeschooling for 3 years, so all of middle school for our oldest son. There were so many factors involved in our decision to homeschool, and we knew the Lord was calling us to it for at least 3 years. Last fall, I began deliberating, agonizing, investigating, and praying (not necessarily in that order) about what to do for him for high school. Early this summer, we decided to send him to a private school for high school. This is not the same school he was in for K-5, nor is it a Christian school (though very Christian-friendly) - another first for us.


To make a long story short, we received his schedule today. He was placed in every honors class available to him (geometry and literature...couldn't take honors history since he's never had a "civics" course), and he tested into 10th grade science. I burst into tears when I saw the schedule. I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I exhaled. He's very bright, he's worked very hard, and I'm so happy that I didn't screw him up academically.


He had a few issues he needed to overcome with vision therapy and OT, and he worked hard there, too. It's very vindicating to me...such a blessing to be rewarded for obedience. I'm going to revel in it tonight, before I go back to "knowing" that I'm still screwing up his 2 younger brothers. :001_smile:

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