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Crazy question of the day...

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Virginia is a state. How could a state have another state as its capital? Unless I'm taking crazy pills or something...


I am extemely puzzled, too. My dd had a question in her Civics class that asked which state has the capital of Virginia. It listed four states and she picked one, which of course, was wrong. She was penalized for the wrong answer and it gave no option for not answering with a state.


I couldn't wrap my mind around it and was convinced I had lost it. I have emailed the teacher about it, but I feel like I am going crazy.


Thanks for confirming that there is not a state with Virginia as its capital. :D

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I am extemely puzzled, too. My dd had a question in her Civics class that asked which state has the capital of Virginia. It listed four states and she picked one, which of course, was wrong. She was penalized for the wrong answer and it gave no option for not answering with a state.


I couldn't wrap my mind around it and was convinced I had lost it. I have emailed the teacher about it, but I feel like I am going crazy.


Thanks for confirming that there is not a state with Virginia as its capital. :D


Yeah, I can imagine. I was feeling kinda, "Is she trying to trick me? Am I losing my mind?" just about your simple question :lol:

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Is that exactly the way the question was written? If so I would think it was a "Who is buried in Grant's tomb?" type question. Which state has the capital of Virginia? Virginia does.



Well, that was the state she chose, and it was wrong. I don't know....it seems pretty ridiculous to me. I look forward to hearing the teachers reply.

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