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Disney Planning Addicts Unite! Post your favorite WDW vacation tips here!!!


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Well...now that we are back and settled into school but still fresh from WDW


And now to share one magical moment from this last trip that only those who have experienced Disney will really appreciate. DH's board was being wined and dined by Disney since they host a large convention there every year. On one evening I went with him for a very special night. We were picked up by a small bus at Coronado and transported into the back side of Epcot - which was very bare with gravel lots and looked very industrial. We were dropped off at a stairway and door (with a couple Disney escorts, of course.) When we went through the door, we were suddenly in China. We were escorted through China to Norway. To the left of the Norway ride entrance we went through another door and up a stairway to a private room with full buffet and bar. (There were about 12 of us in the group.) The food was a little "different" for me and not my favorite meal but the experience of being above Norway was the best part. After dinner we then followed another escort who was carrying a lighted torch (not fire - just a big glow stick.) We were taken from Norway all the way around to the United Kingdom - right next to the fish and chips stand. A guard was standing at a rope and we were escorted on to a private viewing area for Illuminations with a huge dessert buffet. This time the food was beautiful and so wonderful that I couldn't resist trying most of it! There were so many of those treats from all the countries that you want to try but would spend a mint in sampling! And the layout was just beautiful. And for the first time in all our trips, we weren't standing elbow to elbow waiting for the show to begin and trying to get a good place to be able to see! It was a very special evening...but, again, only if you are a true Disney fan will you relate to how fun it was to be taken in free, served dinner above a country and not have to wait an hour holding a spot for the family to see the show. :) I did wish the kids could have been with us but then I decided they were already getting kid-level special by just being at WDW and this beautiful, warm night was for Mom and Dad! (And DD21 had them at MK watching the fireworks, anyway.) So I guess my best tip is to marry a DH who has business trips to WDW. :)


And because I still have Pixie Dust swirling in my brain...Have a magical day! :)


WOW!!!!! That really is a magical experience. I love it! We were once given access to that viewing area for the fireworks. We were walking by the "guard" and she saw that we were from Michigan. She grew up in the town we are from and she let us in! It really was an amazing place to watch the fireworks!!!


About laundry - we opt to bring less and do laundry once. I just prefer to have fewer things around the room. Works for us.

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It has been a couple of years since our last Disney trip but a few tips I have picked up here and there and used:


-we always bring ponchos from the dollar store including an extra 1 or 2 to cover the stroller with


-we always rent a stroller. It holds our stuff as well as tired kiddos.


-we bring a small chamois-like towel for drying people and the stroller after a wet ride or rain shower


-the kids always check Tom Sawyers Island for the paint brushes. We have found them a few times even late in the afternoon


-I made my kiddos cute autograph books out of small photo albums. I took the photo sleeves out of them and replaced them with card stock. After we get home I put the photo album sleeves in between each piece of card stock so the photo of kiddo with that character is next to the autograph.


-I pick up goodies from the Disney Store (B&M or online) throughout the year, mostly clearance items. I pack them along with a little bottle of gold glitter and use them as "Tinkerbell Gifts." I either plant them at night or as we are leaving the room, sprinkle a little glitter around, and make some magic! Even though the bigger ones knew it was me they still loved it and it cuts down on the souvenir want.


-ask to ride in the front of the monorail. my kids loved it and they get a little pin if I remember right.


-I buy each kiddo a Disney gift card before we leave home and they can use it for souvenirs. They know in advance how much they have to spend and there is less drama.


-we always wear Crocs in the park. People either love them or hate them. I'm a lover, no blisters and no wet shoes, yea!


-If you are leaving the Magic Kingdom at closing after the fireworks you can stop and have your picture taken with the people holding the "See Ya Real Soon!" signs. It is one of my favorite pictures from our last trip.



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We recently experienced some Disney magic and were invited to dine at Be Our Guest in the new Fantasyland.


If you are planning to dine at Be Our Guest for lunch or dinner, try the pork. It was our favorite.


Also, ask for the grey stuff at dinner!


The Little Mermaid ride was a lot of fun.


We stayed at AoA.


The Little Mermaid rooms at AoA are small, but very clean and new. We did not like the food court there (except for breakfast), but the resort's proximity to POP Century made it an easy stroll across the bridge to eat at POP's delicious food court.


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