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What co-op-friendly middle school history programs are out there?

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We're part of a real history co-op this year for the first time, and we're using Year 4 of Tapestry of Grace which covers the 20th century. We're excited to start next week! Upper grammar students will work on lapbooks, group activities, and mapwork, while the dialectic students will focus on the discussion of "Accountability and Thinking" questions based on the readings, maps, timeline, and responsive writing.


Another friend will be using Veritas Press in her co-op.


There is also the History Odyssey curriculum by Pandia Press which seems possible to use in a co-op setting.



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I'll put in another vote for TOG. It's awesome! One good thing about it would be that you could have more than one level going within a co-op since it is designed for families with multiple levels. But honestly, the quality of the materials is wonderful and there are numerous co-ops using it.




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