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WWYT: is this the norm for 2nd weddings?

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The whole thing is tacky beyond belief. And you get to shake it off because she is your sister.


:iagree: There are plenty of ways to celebrate a wedding (or a new baby) without having a buy your own dinner cash grab...:glare:

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I think the real kicker that some people missed from the second OP's post was that the organizers are holding it at a restaurant during the dinner hour. They are paying for appetizers and dessert; the guests will have to pay for their own meal. :glare:


Coupled with "bring money for the honeymoon", it gives tacky a new name.


Now granted, one could make due with the appetizers and dessert. But, it's really rude to host something like this at a restaurant during the dinner hour and NOT provide the food. "You all bring money for the honeymoon and by the way, we'll all go dutch too." What's next? Hosting a shower and then when the guests arrive there is an admission charge to cover the expenses?


I really wouuld not dignify this with my presence and if I was the bride and arrived at the shower to find out this was how the guests were going to be treated I WOULD BE MORTIFIED AND SAY SO LOUDLY!


At some point, I think mannered people are going to have to stop being wallflowers and start taking a stand against this stuff. It's proliferating.


I guarantee you the next thing we will hear is some couple that wants a reception they can't afford sends invites in which the RSVP is "the reception is $40.00 per head. Please indicate the number attending and make checks out to _____. By the way, our gift registry is at ________."





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Nobody is saying it's not tacky. It is.


But a sister...there's a shared past there, and with any luck, a possibly decent future.


Tacky doesn't mean evil. If one's sister is a cruel person one never wants to see again, then I stay don't go. However, tacky is not the relationship hill I would die on.


I hope it works out ok, You mostly don't get to pick your family. :D You're just kind of stuck with them.

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