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Books for hands on history proects?


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I am trying to plan history for my 4th grader next year. He is a typical boy who would rather be doing and building instead of reading. I am thinking about getting him some project books to go along with the reading that I have planned for history. I have noticed there are several different series of project books for kids. Has anyone used any of these and can compare the type of projects in these books?


Kaleidoscope kids


Explore books


21 one Projects or


Projects you can Build Yourself



Edited by jg_puppy
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Well try your library for those books, because it should have them or be able to get the on ILL. Of them, the Projects You Can Build Yourself series is the best. Konos Time Travelers hits american and is an affordable way to get the projects of Konos just for american. They're *particularly* boyish.


Also look at Enrichment4You. They have amazing, amazing stuff.


I've lost the link because it was from years ago, but there was a site that had all sorts of marvelous kits and projects, things like sewing your own mocassins, etc. Vision Forum does that a little and there was as Boys/Dads company at the convention that I've lost the name of. Whatever, you'll just google your ideas and find stuff.


With my dd, small and paper would never do. She wanted to build the real thing and really DO it. She built a log cabin in our woods from sticks and limbs she collected, etc. etc. It was an adventure. If I had it to do over, I think I'd indulge it even more. I'd invest more in all those fancy beautiful options you find online (sew your own mocassins, army surplus half tent, etc.). Just go all out. :)

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Thank you both. I had forgotten about the Hands and Hearts History kits. I had never heard of Enrichment4You or some of the other resources mentioned. These are the type of things that I know my son wants. He likes paper crafts okay, but he really wants to make real things. When we were at the craft store yesterday he found a latch hook kit. Today he did the entire latch hook soccer ball. He has plans to make it into a pillow for his room. I need to find more projects like this for him to do. I love the sew your own moccasins idea, but I am not very crafty and would do much better with some sort of kit.



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