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Vegetarians/vegans...I need recipes!

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Yes, I know the 2 are not the same. ;) My husband stopped eating meat (except fish) about 5 mos. ago due to some health issues. He said he has never felt better. I recently watched the documentary Forks Over Knives and have felt convicted to try a more whole foods/plant based diet. I have not gone 100% vegan yet but have decided to join my husband in not eating meat except fish. Problem is, I don't have a CLUE what to cook anymore! Can anyone help me or at least point me to a website that can? Oh, and if you are a vegetarian or vegan but your children do not want to follow in your footsteps...do you cook meat for them? Or do you make them conform to your new dietary standards? Just curious.

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I am a RAW Vegan, which is completely different from just Vegan. It means that I don't eat any cooked food - just raw fruits, vegetables, greens, nuts, seeds, seaweed etc. I do use a dehydrator though to get different textures. Some great websites with lots of recipes:










Edited to answer your other question: I am the only Raw Vegan in my family. My husband and son will eat some of my concoctions but they also eat plenty of junk and meat. I will cook the meat if it's necessary but DH actually likes to cook so he does 99.9% of the cooking for he and DS.

Edited by contessa20
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I'm vegan and I'm raising my children vegan (they've been since birth). My DH is also a vegan so I guess I'm lucky that I don't have to worry about making two different meals. :)


Are you looking to use meat replacements or do you want to avoid those all together? Using them makes it a little easier to make the dishes you're familiar with, but they aren't the healthiest foods for you. They do make transitioning much easier, though.


Honestly, if you just Google vegan/vegetarian meals you'll end up with an endless amount of websites for recipes. You'll eventually discover whose recipes seem more like what you're looking for. Some that I like are:











I could type all day, seriously. You'll never get bored trying to discover new vegan meals, that's for sure! :D

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Not vegan, but eat a lot of vegetarian meals. I really like the Moosewood Cooks At Home cookbook, because the recipes are fairly quick, fairly easy, fairly kid-friendly, and don't call for too many far-out or super expensive ingredients. We just ate the Greek Pasta Salad for dinner, and even my 6 year old ate most of it.


If your family will eat more exotic things, I would also suggest you get some cookbooks by Donna Klein or Nava Atlas. I made a Curried Sweet Potato, Chickpeas & Chard dish from Nava Atlas's new Wild About Greens cookbook and 3 out of the 4 of us loved it (the 6YO ate a PB&J!! :) ).


I really liked that Forks Over Knives documentary too, I can't say it made me rush right out and change everything we ate, but we have started making some slow changes. The best healthy changes are the ones you can get done consistently with a minimum of complaint from the peanut gallery, after all!! :lol:

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