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Best college student planner that a young man will use?

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I have bought him planners before and he didn't use them. I'm going to try again and go over why, how, etc. Then it's up to him.


My 15dd got her planner out and has been adding things already. School doesn't start for another month. I love her.

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Is he doing fine without a planner? My 19 year-old son does well without one.


What about using the calendar on his cell phone, ipod, or other electronic device? Most teens I know would opt for that route over a traditional planner.


I know. I use apps and he could use an app but he says he doesn't want to. Perhaps we will discuss more. I don't think he does fine without a planner but he does. We call him the Absent Minded Professor.

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I agree with a calendar with alarms on the phone. I just used a 5 subject spiral notebook with my schedule taped into the front when I was in college. I never used a proper planner.


I didn't either but I love my calendar apps and alarms. I'd like him to be more organized but I can't make him. Still, I have a few days left to influence him and I'm going to try. :001_smile:

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I'm not trying to change him. Just arm him with some more information. We are very close and so he tolerates some of my ideas but makes his own choices. When he goes away he'll be on his own for the most part although I'll be around if needed. He knows that his real adulthood starts in 46 days and that I am a little anxious over everything. He also knows I will get over it.

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I know. I use apps and he could use an app but he says he doesn't want to. Perhaps we will discuss more. I don't think he does fine without a planner but he does. We call him the Absent Minded Professor.


All you can do it put it out there for him again to consider, but personally I wouldn't spend a bundle. I subbed in the high school last year and I'd guess at most 10% of the students used the planners they were required to purchase--whether they needed it or not.

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