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Pocket Camera like a cell phone??


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Is there such a thing as a pocket camera that looks and works like a cell phone. I see the chunky kid's cameras, but is there something like that without all the padding, but also isn't a full blown camera with a giant manual and tons of buttons?


Most of my students have old cell phones that don't take pictures, and we were all talking and looking at plans that none of us can afford. All the rest of us envy the one person (with the $120 dollar a month bill) that can take pictures. We feel so left out, of what most people now take for granted. They just whip out their phone and snap away.


I want to add picture taking into some tutoring assignments, and don't want to wrestle with technology, never mind spend a fortune. Is there anything out there simple, small and cheap?

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Run on sentence alert: Until my son left it on the bumper and I drove away not realizing it was there, which was the end of it (or at least the end of it in our lives, maybe someone else found it), we had an entry level Nikon Cool-Pix that was decent (this one no longer made, but whatever has replaced it could be similar?) and that he at least was able to figure out how to use basically. I think it could theoretically do more than we did with it, but much of modern technology is like that, and if one just learns what one wants to be able to do that seems sufficient. I don't know if it works like a cell phone since I do not have a cell phone. But for basic pictures the idea was you turn it on, look at the image on the LCD screen, and snap the picture.

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We have a Kodak Zi8 HD. It records video and takes pics. It is the size of a cell phone and ours is black. I used it today and like it a whole lot better than my cell phone pics (and I have an expensive phone). The pics are very crisp. I don't remember how much we paid as we have had it awhile. We did purchase it as a refurbished model. Look on ebay and other sites and you should be able to get one for under $100.

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If you don't mind low quality pictures, you can just get a cheap cell phone.

Both of my kids have $10 Tracfones with built in cameras and voice recorders.

They are pay-as-you-go phones, and we didn't even activate my younger DD's

phone so $10 was the total expense for her phone, with no recurring costs.


They don't take great pictures, but they are good enough for the kids.

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If you don't mind low quality pictures, you can just get a cheap cell phone.

Both of my kids have $10 Tracfones with built in cameras and voice recorders.

They are pay-as-you-go phones, and we didn't even activate my younger DD's

phone so $10 was the total expense for her phone, with no recurring costs.


They don't take great pictures, but they are good enough for the kids.


Wow. I'll have to look for those. I think they have TracPhones at CVS. How do you get the pictures off the phone? Does it come with a sync cord? My new Kindle sync cord looks like it might be the same as some newer cell phones I've seen. My cell phone is a really old Palm phone and everything about it is incompatible, but I'm told some standards are starting to be established?

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Wow. I'll have to look for those. I think they have TracPhones at CVS. How do you get the pictures off the phone? Does it come with a sync cord? My new Kindle sync cord looks like it might be the same as some newer cell phones I've seen. My cell phone is a really old Palm phone and everything about it is incompatible, but I'm told some standards are starting to be established?


My kids' $10 phones didn't come with a sync cord. We can get the pictures off their phones using bluetooth, although we never actually do it. I have a slightly fancier phone ($30) that takes a memory card and I can connect the memory card to the computer with a micro USB cord. (The memory card and USB cord were extra.)

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My kids' $10 phones didn't come with a sync cord. We can get the pictures off their phones using bluetooth, although we never actually do it. I have a slightly fancier phone ($30) that takes a memory card and I can connect the memory card to the computer with a micro USB cord. (The memory card and USB cord were extra.)


I didn't know pictures could be transferred by bluetooth. I'm so outdated :tongue_smilie: Thanks!

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