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Dear Neighbor Child . . .

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Don't start on shoes in the house or what one does with shopping carts, either.


For real! :lol: :D


I actually do open the door usually, unless I'm still in bed. It annoys the heck out of me, and I don't think it's rude not to - we've ignored the neighbor kid a few times because I get tired of answering the door every 20-30 minutes. :D Problem is, if we don't answer he comes back sooner than he does if we DO answer...

Oh, and my neighbors ARE strangers to me. I don't know their parents more than waving across the yard. The boys always play here so I know their names and I've been outside while they are playing a few times, but I wouldn't classify these people as friends for sure, and I can't really say I would classify them as acquaintances. DH knows them a little.

I would not let a neighbor kid in my house, either. Ugh. Not a chance. (Granted, if they were different people and we lived somewhere else, it would be a possibility. But here? No way.)

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Okay, I feel for the kid who is probably just looking for someone to play with. However not answering the door is really not a good plan. Granted in this case the OP knew it was a neighbor kid. But often people will ring bells under the false peretense of selling or sign something, when really they are just looking to see who is home. Ever been in your own house while someone is trying to break in? Not a good feeling. I'd certainly rather stop what I'm doing, answer the door rather than let someone think we were not home. Especially now that I'm home all day with a kid.


A family member was locked out by burglars when he arrived home during the burglary.


We always answer, even if it is just via the intercom, because we are afraid it is a neighbor or passerby needing help.


Yes, we answer phone for same reason. I would not want to miss an emergency call from child or anyone else in distress. I would much rather interrupt school or dinner for fifteen seconds than to unintentionally miss an emergency call. To clarify, we are not people who engage in casual phone chatting except with family members who live outside the area.

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Moms with kids are supposed to be the safest people in society. Neighbors are the people you ask for help if you need help. That is the world I want to live in, so I open the door for kids and neighbors.




My DH is home all day every day. The neighborhood kids (from elementary school aged to high school seniors) know that, and know to come to our house if they need something.

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He came here when he was in trouble because I'm a Mom with kids. Moms with kids are supposed to be the safest people in society. Neighbors are the people you ask for help if you need help. That is the world I want to live in, so I open the door for kids and neighbors.




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Okay, assuming there was so much stuff in front of my door that I couldn't get to it, I would probably still stick my head out a window and chat with the neighbor kid. "Hey, ______, what do you need? We can't come out right now--you can come back tomorrow to play or you can climb through the window and I'll let you help the kids sort through the bookcases." :D


What is rude about knocking on a door? I though that was the polite way to approach someone's front door? Rude would be walking in without knocking or without being invited.


It bothers me that we try to insulate ourselves so much from other people these days. When the weather permits it, I have our windows and doors flung wide open all day. :tongue_smilie:

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