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If you live in a small town what is there to do for teens?

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I think one of the biggest issues we have with teens today is that there is nothing for them to do, other then walk around, hang around at parks, skateboard where they are not supposed to be, or sit home and play video games.


Does your town offer, or have a place for teens to go to just "hang out". Ages 13-17?


What about nightlife? Other then the movies, the mall what is there for teens to do?


Especially if you do not belong to any Church. I do know churches have youth groups. But many teens do not want to be involved. At least the ones I know.


I think our town could benefit by having a place for teens to go and hang out,with supervision. They always seem to be in a rush to get to 18 so they can go to an 18 and over club to go dancing.


What about the younger kids though? If they had a place to go, where they could listen to music, dance, hang out with friends, have a juice bar, snacks and such I think it would be good.


So aside from Church things, what does your town have to offer?

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All of my teens have jobs, including the 13yr old who is a Mother's Helper, plus they all have a particular thing they do...art, music, dance; which does keep them a bit busy. They also have things they need to do at home (animal care etc).


For fun, my kids go to the beach to swim, go bowling (seriously, it's become very popular here. lol), hang at my house ;) , go to the movies. We live in a small area that turns touristy in the summer, so there are places to walk or bike; ice cream shops, a cute little place for a light lunch, local public beach/park; basically just a nice area to walk around with the dogs. My kids do that several times a week. I also have to put in a good word for a Mexican place that is very patient with teens. It's very popular with everyone, but they let the kids linger a bit (meaning they don't rush them out, although they are not going to let them sit forever if there are people waiting). The food is great and the owners are wonderful.

Edited by LibraryLover
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We have a movie theater in the town 10 miles up the hill and another one 7 minutes down the hill. There is also a bowling ally 10 minutes away, but apparently drug dealers hang out near the door and a young person was killed, so dh won't go there anymore.


That's it. From what I understand, there are drugs being used by a lot of teens. Our town has about 2,000 (?) but we're really close to other towns.

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That said, I read a wonderful article just the other day, about instead of thinking that they're owed a place to hang out, the author suggested the teens go home, help their families, read a book, do the dishes, play a board game with younger sibs, do the laundry, do homework, etc. I wish I could find it again--there was a lot of wisdom there!



Except that is not the world we live in today. I wish it was that simple. Many kids do NOT want to be at home because of a terrible family situation.


I cannot even begin to tell you all the things I have heard from my kids friends about what goes on in their household. And, I know there are always two sides to every story. But when you see things first hand, you can understand why they do not want to be at home.


Our town is very "cheap". There are no parks, no place to go and public swim, a skateboard area was voted on and turned down. We do not have a boys and girls club. There is literally NOTHING to do in this town. I think that with all this free time, and nothing to do they go and hang around the convenience stores, or CVS parking lot. Or even McDonalds.


Call me crazy, but I love teenagers. Even with their problems. They can be so darn frustrating yet fascinating all in one.


I don't look at it as they are "owed" a place to hang out. But more of a place of a "need". But if I had the money, I would lease/buy the building down the street from me, and make it into a place just for teenagers to come and hang out on the weekends. Especially on a Friday or Saturday night. Music, dancing, juice bar, snacks....essentially the same thing a school dance might have except better.


I know all the people who can do it. But it is a matter of money as always.:glare:

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I lived in a tiny town (wasn't even a town, really . . . No stoplights or anything) and there was NOTHING to do that you'd want your teen doing. High school sports was really all there was. I moved and had my kids in the suburbs. I vividly remember that "can't wait to get out" feeling.


As an adult, I think I'd appreciate revisiting that pace of life again and having my whole family nearby, but I have a teen who is jumping out of her skin after a two week visit 'back home' and she even has the Internet there!




I think one of the biggest issues we have with teens today is that there is nothing for them to do, other then walk around, hang around at parks, skateboard where they are not supposed to be, or sit home and play video games.


Does your town offer, or have a place for teens to go to just "hang out". Ages 13-17?


What about nightlife? Other then the movies, the mall what is there for teens to do?


Especially if you do not belong to any Church. I do know churches have youth groups. But many teens do not want to be involved. At least the ones I know.


I think our town could benefit by having a place for teens to go and hang out,with supervision. They always seem to be in a rush to get to 18 so they can go to an 18 and over club to go dancing.


What about the younger kids though? If they had a place to go, where they could listen to music, dance, hang out with friends, have a juice bar, snacks and such I think it would be good.


So aside from Church things, what does your town have to offer?

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