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How do you teach when your stomach is in knots?

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We are supposed to start our school year today. It is 9:00 and we still haven't eaten yet. Typically, I'm a bit more on the ball than I am today, but I'm not sure tomorrow will be much better.


Briefly, legal action was initiated against us and it's unfair. The bright side is that it's so unfair, I have actually had an attorney contact me and offer to represent us at no charge. I'm waiting to hear back from two other attorneys I contacted and a few other places (who may have significant input into what is going on). I haven't been able to break away from computer or phone all week-end.


I know I'm not the only person to have legal problems or life events throw a curveball into my life. How do you function? And on a practical side, can a family doctor prescribe temporary medication for anxiety?

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First, :grouphug:.


Second, I can somewhat understand as we have had some major family upheavals this year that have left me, in turns, emotionally strung out, drained, and reeling. There have been a good many weeks this year that we have dropped all but the bare minimum or have done nothing but child led investigations. I will also freely admit to multiple weeks of nothing but playing while listening to good audio books.


If this was our life all the time, I would be very concerned that the kids were being short changed, but this has been an odd season in our family's life and any ground lost will be made up when we come out the other side of this.


I hope you and your family find the ground under you still again, and soon!



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Just do whatever you can. Take one day at a time.


I hope things start to improve soon.:grouphug:


I agree with this. This past December, our adopted daughter, Gwen, was stillborn. It left us heartbroken and at a loss for the ability to cope for awhile. We took a break from school at that point. And then we did what we could.


:grouphug: Hopefully this is over quickly and with a good outcome.

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You can absolutely be prescribed Xanax by your doctor temporarily. It will really help. I have gone through rough patches and have used Xanax to help me get through them (I have a history of panic attacks). Do not hesitate to call your doctor.

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