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Developing the Early Learner...reviews/opinions?


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I came across the books Developing the Early Learner available at rainbow resource for $8.50 each. My son just turned 5, so should I purchase book 1 or start with another book instead? Would you recommend purchasing just the first one or two or all ... or none? I have never seen them in person, so I'm not sure where to go from here.


(Or if any of you have one/some used, I would be interested in purchasing them to see them first hand.)


Thanks for sharing your recommendations!

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I used these several times a week with my DD a few years ago when she was 4-5. I liked them. They helped me identify problem areas such as listening to directions with multiple steps. I bought all of them, but we only used the first two before moving on.

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I've used these with my oldest two and will start the third next spring. I really like them and so did my boys. Like the PP said, it helped me identify many of their strengths and weaknesses. You will be fine starting in book 1 with a 5yo, but I'd have the 2nd book ready as he'll likely finish the 1st quickly. My oldest started at 5, but I've (and am) starting the others at 4.5.

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I'm using them now with a 5.5 year old and a 3 year old. I like them quite a bit. They have exercises that practice different skills, and if your child has trouble with that skill, it will come up again and again. Both kids enjoy it. We started with book 1.

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I've used them with three kids. My 6.5 year old is just finishing them up. I think that they are well worth the money.....as we've had different issues with the kids, I've come to appreciate how thorough they are. As an example, I didn't realize how important the tracking exercises were until I had a kid with vision difficulties..... I also really like the sequencing and rhyming activities.

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