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Another FIAR question for the 5 year old..

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My son will be nearly 5 1/2 this fall when we start a more "formal" program of learning at home...I'd like to use Five In a Row with him..I was wondering if one uses FIAR and also combines it with the Lap Books from Homeschool Share.. is he too young for the Lap Books??


Or should I just stick to the FIAR curriculum and not add in the Lap Books?




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Lap books were becoming the rage when I used FIAR. We did one or two. I could tell my oldest dd felt as though it was busy work and it was A LOT of prep work for me. So I think you will need to see what works best for you and your child. For us, just doing the original lessons and keeping it simple worked best.

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When my dd was that age her motor skills weren't there. But she loved what we did do. I tried to find the pieces that she could handle best. There are some that give the option of the answer being typed up already so all the child has to do is cut, match and glue. No writing involved. When there was writing I made sure it was very short and I would draw some lines for her. I never worried about doing an entire lapbook. Not even now that she is 7. Just take what we like and leave the rest. There are handwriting sheets at HSS that you may be interested in. They have a sentence from each book that your child can trace and copy for handwriting practice.

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We did FIAR without lapbooks and never missed them. My daughter's portfolio wound up including a lot of photographs of her doing various exercises/activities, plus occasional written work like records from a science experiment we did.

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