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Ugh! Wasps!

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My ds and I mow a friends lawn. It's his summer job, but one he can't do by himself so we split the responsibilities and earnings. Last week we mowed and a nest of wasps were unhappy by third time I walked by them, that they surprised me with a couple of stings to my elbow. I welled up immediately, but DS ran to get me some ibuprophen to help with the pain and swelling. Benadryl puts me to sleep and we still had work to do...


Today my elbow is itching like mad! It's welled up again. I took a benadryl earlier, but it didn't work all that well, just made me sleep :tongue_smilie: and have been using cortisone cream, but it's not making a dent in the itching and swelling...now it's off to get some ice to see if that will help. I get all hivey when this happens, ugh!

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So if I understand this correctly the original stings were last week, swelled up, subsided and then x days later have swelled up again with itching? Stings can lead to cellulitis. I would go in and get antibiotics.


Yep. They happened on Thursday. You can actually see the red spot from one of the stings. That one doesn't itch nearly as bad and is only swollen around the site. I am drawing a spot around it tonight. If it's bigger or uglier in the morning, I'll put a call in to the doc. It's not red, (except when I scratch a bit, which I'm attempting not to do), but you can feel that it' warm and swollen. About 1"x2". This has happened to me before with stings, but not to this degree.

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Yep. They happened on Thursday. You can actually see the red spot from one of the stings. That one doesn't itch nearly as bad and is only swollen around the site. I am drawing a spot around it tonight. If it's bigger or uglier in the morning, I'll put a call in to the doc. It's not red, (except when I scratch a bit, which I'm attempting not to do), but you can feel that it' warm and swollen. About 1"x2". This has happened to me before with stings, but not to this degree.


If you have any tea tree oil I would put some one the spot. I've successfully avoided antibiotics before by doing so. If it grows in size then I wouldn't hesitate to go in, though.

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swelling is still visible, less redness than yesterday and still warm to the touch. I switched Benadryl spray and I put tee tree oil on it and will throughout the day. So far it's the same as yesterday and hasn't spread beyond my mark so I'm going to watch it for now. I've never dealt with cellulitis and it sounds like I wouldn't want to.


Thanks for the information though!

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