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Another history question...

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I think I'm going to lose my mind over this. :tongue_smilie:


DS13 loves history. This will be his first year homeschooling. For elementary school he went to public school and for 6th & 7th he went to a small Christian school. He is now home for 8th - 12th. History exposure in public and private school followed no understandable logic. He did go through the SOTW series on audio several times on his own, though we didn't "formally" do anything to supplement them.


In my other thread from earlier this week I wanted feedback on a projected scope and sequence for high school history based on our local graduation requirements. I had already decided to do World History in 2 yrs.: Ancients - Medieval in 9th and Renaissance - Modern in 10th.


This year for 8th grade we had planned on doing Mystery of History 3: Renaissance & Reformation. The only reason for starting there is that this is what our co-op is offering and, being our first year of homeschooling we were looking for some sort of framework to jump off of. HOWEVER, the thought occurs to me now that I could scrap the co-op MOH3 class and just start our World History rotation NOW and do it over 3 yrs. instead of two.


The obvious benefit would be more time to delve into each time period. I'm also thinking that the co-op class may not be all that helpful anyway since it is strictly supplemental. I teach at home and they do the additional projects and such during the class time. Being in 8th grade I don't know how worth it those projects and activities will be or if they'll just end up being a waste of time. Also, I'm thinking about how redundant it would be to cover this time period in depth now only to come back to it again so soon in high school.


The downside; however, would be starting from scratch on history planning for this year and possibly having to buy some new materials.


So, if you were in this position, what would you do? Would you just stick with what you've already got planned and start at the beginning next year; or would you change THIS year's plan to start from the beginning and work forward in 3 yrs.?


The options would look like this:


Option 1 - Currently Planned

8th Grade - Renaissance & Reformation

9th Grade - Ancients - Renaissance/Reformation

10th Grade - Early Modern - Modern




Option 2

8th Grade - Ancients

9th Grade - Medieval - Renaissance/Reformation

10th - Exploration - Modern


OR, yet a third option that I just thought of.


Option 3

8th Grade - Delaware State History

9th Grade - Ancients - Renaissance/Reformation

10th Grade - Early Modern - Modern


Clearly, I am going out of my mind and need some feedback. :bigear:

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My experience with coop was not that great, so I'd go with option 2: start Ancients.

I found it important to cover history chronologically (especially if your son did not have systematic chronological history before). We found an understanding of Ancients essential for an understanding of medieval and Renaissance literature. Dante without prior Vergil and Homer? Not working.


If coop is a great social experience with his friends and not too time consuming, you might still include it - studying Ancients does not mean one can not also hear about the Renaissance.

I would not consider option 3. Nothing against Delaware, I'm sure it's a great state, but I would find devoting a whole year to state history serious overkill and out of proportion compared to the time available to cover the rest of the World.

Edited by regentrude
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That is pretty much what my thoughts are too, Regentrude. As for the social aspect of the co-op, he will be attending several other co-op classes so dropping this one wouldn't be a big deal socially. It just feels like such a waste of time to start with Ren./Ref. this year and then start OVER at Ancients next year only to hit Ren./Ref. again in such a short period of time.


I'm going to bounce it all off of DH tonight and see what his thoughts are but I wanted the wisdom of the Hive too. :001_smile: Thanks!!!

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I would go with option 2 - start from the beginning and go straight through. I also think you should add on another year so you can go in depth with early American history as well. I would consider:


8th: Ancients

9th: Medieval - Reformation

10th: Early American & World with government

11th: Modern American & World with Economics


All 4 years you can tie in geography and literature. This will give you some leeway with 12th grade in case you get behind, want to go in depth with an area, or opt for a class such as philosophy, world religion, etc.

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If you do the co-op class and MOH3, don't start over with ancients the following year, mercy. After that you'll roll right into US history in 9th. You can do that for 9th and 10th, go back to ancients for 11th and let all the GB readings there feed into your Gov't and Econ that year. Then have 12th for electives. It's a perfectly fine way to get there.


My best advice though is to talk with your ds about it. Debra Bell has a book on homeschooling high school (Ultimate Guide...) that has a section on junior high that is worth your time. She says to get them involved in making their plans. It's something they need to own, and it's something he'll be interested in.


You could do LLfLotR along with MOH3 btw. That would go well together and continue what you started with the Hobbit. Lots of room there to kick things up and make it very challenging. If it's a less familiar time period for him, he might really enjoy starting there.

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My best advice though is to talk with your ds about it. Debra Bell has a book on homeschooling high school (Ultimate Guide...) that has a section on junior high that is worth your time. She says to get them involved in making their plans. It's something they need to own, and it's something he'll be interested in.



Actually, I have talked to DS13 at length about our plans. I want him to be actively involved in the choices. He wanted to do the co-op at first because he thought that was the best option vs. doing the same thing but just at home. Now that we've given him another option, it seems that he likes the idea of starting with the Ancients.


I already own several Ancient History books including SWB's History of the Ancient World and Streams of Civilization. I had him read a bit from both and was utterly shocked at his opinion. He absolutely HATED History of the Ancient World and said it seemed REALLY boring. On the other hand, when I gave him Streams of Civilization he said, "now THIS I like. It seems really interesting and I like that there are discussion questions." :lol: So... that is what we will do. I'm going to coordinate Streams with some literature of my own plus throw in some Beautiful Feet and see where it takes us.


Thank you for the book suggestion; I don't think that's one I've read yet.



You could do LLfLotR along with MOH3 btw. That would go well together and continue what you started with the Hobbit. Lots of room there to kick things up and make it very challenging. If it's a less familiar time period for him, he might really enjoy starting there.


I was actually contemplating LLfLotR at one point but honestly, I just don't think it's something he would like. I'm just praying that we make it through The Hobbit alive this year. That is not a genre that he enjoys and I think it would send him into hysterics to have to spend an entire year with it. He would much rather read historical texts and biographies.

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Sounds like you're getting it all figured out! My dd didn't warm to The Hobbit the first time she read it either. Later she went back to it and fell in love, went on to read LotR several times, etc. But then there are just people who don't like fantasy. :D


He's of an age where you could encorporate just a dab of GB if you want. He might enjoy reading and discussing the Code of Hammurabi or Gilgamesh or other things that get mentioned as you read Streams. I have vol. 1 and haven't looked at it in a while. I assume it mentions those things. Might be another way to take the reading.

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