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Finally I feel like my son is in control :)

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I just wanted to share for all of you out there with kids who have ADHD..... sometimes meds can be your child's best friend. I am overjoyed with the control he has. I feel like he has a happier time in classes and with his friends.

He's no longer the "in trouble" child. (because of hyper activity or the inability to focus) I watched him in Kempo today. It's a beautiful site to see your child who wants to focus, be able to.

This next year we're taking a break; he's been in a co-op situation since 5. I'm excited to spend time taking him to museums, classes of his choosing, having him learn to read better. Experience Life!! :)

I was thinking about him going to a school this coming year, and even though it'd be fun to have a break during school hours... he's plainly said that he has no desire to be in a classroom environment for hours a day. And... well, I can't blame him.

So, off to have this year of discovery with him!!

Just wanted to let anyone who needs to have the option of meds..... know that it can be really great!! :)

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When used orrectly meds can be a blessing. My son was a changed overnight when he was on Concerta. Unfortunately he developed a heart murmur as a result of the medication and we had to stop. Some days I wish he could go back on Meds. Our psychiatrist is looking into other meds so we wll see.

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We did 18 months on Concerta and it literally saved us! It also gave my dd time to develop some self-monitoring skills and it gave us a more accurate picture of what she was and wasn't capable of. It helped her to solidify her reading and math skills.


She's off now because she can be, but I have exactly FIVE pills still in the cupboard...just in case. :) There are days!


I am SO glad we tried meds because now we know it's a solution that will work for her if she/we ever feel like we need it again.


Congrats! It's a beautiful feeling!

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...Unfortunately he developed a heart murmur as a result of the medication and we had to stop....


Wow, that's freaky scary :( So sorry for you! :( If you see this... could you tell me what mg he was on and how long? If you'd like to pm me, that's totally fine...


We are looking at Daytrana (SP?) but it's a patch and more expensive... so our insurance won't cover it yet. (We have to try one more med like Concerta and say it won't work to get the patch)

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