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Dorm refrigerators....


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There's only a limit on the size. We've been checking noise levels on the various models. Her roommate will have one. But because of medical issues, I don't want dd to ever worry about cross contamination or if she has enough room for what she needs. We thought we'd add the microwave later but the frig was a definite need. Thanks for all the input everyone!

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we overspent and bought a larger one, counter top, and he used it so little, got an apt the second year, so we now have it eating electricity, cooling drinks at home. Darn it. Doing it again, I'd buy a used, smaller one from Craigslist.


I also have an extra microwave residing in my basement (two kids in college.) Wish I'd just hit Restores and Goodwills for stuff.


Good luck.


Adding: I'd have bought one with a lock, since you never know what your room-mate will really be like.

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Well, Grandma bought it, so I don't feel regret over the higher price. I'll feel it more worthwhile if he needs it again....it does actually freeze stuff, as you said. Used fridges are kinda gross. He has a room-mate this year, so may want to keep stuff in his room, depending on the food-respect issue. OR I may put it into the corner of the basement, set up a few boards and call it my bar....funny.

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Check the specs for the room and roommate first. Make sure you know what she will keep in it - there was one size when I went to college and now there are 10 at Target alone. We bought my son's at Target the day of check-in. Target had them all on sale and plenty of them. Some where bigger and cheaper than others - probably the most popular size that they had tons of in storage.


Good luck,


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