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Low(er) carb check in

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Love Alton, so I will look for his recipe! I have a ton of bacon grease because I cook about 4 lbs of bacon at a time and keep it in my freezer so all I have to do is pull out a couple of slices and zap for 30 seconds.


I am doing pretty well. I lost about 11 in the first 2 weeks, then stalled all this week. Woke up this morning UP 4 pounds. :001_huh: I did not do ANYTHING different. I did eat sunflower seeds last night, which are quite salty, in combo with not having all my water yesterday, so today I am watching the sodium like a hawk and drinking about a gallon of water. Nuts are not on Atkins Induction, but it was a good substitute for my beloved popcorn in the movie, so I don't regret it too much. I also had about 5oz of cheese yesterday, so that was likely too much. I just wonder if I am sensitive to sodium. It's something I crave, and eat too much of, but so many low carb foods are salty. Anyways, my new goal is to keep an eye out for the salt!


Overall though, I feel fantastic. Sleeping better, no more low low energy in the afternoons. I am okay in the digestion dept because I take magnesium and also make flax muffins. My skin and hair have improved, and it hasn't even quite been 3 weeks yet! People eating chips and sweets are not bothering me at all any more. That's a big *wow* moment for me.


I did gain my regular monthly water weight for a while there. ;) So that can shoot you up. And on the Diet Dr. website, he talks about how we need to eat some extra salt int he beginning to balance our water out? Anyway, yes, I've had that happen, the same as you. Just drink like a fish and flush yourself out.


And isnt's not wanting to take a nap in the afternoon amazing? I mean, I don't know about you, but I was *dead* at 3pm, and would have to coffee myself through till bedtime. Now it doesn't even occur to me to drink coffee in the afternoon, and when I drink it, it's because I want to, not because I need to.


Baggy clothes syndrome :D. Doesn't it feel great? When I first lost my ton, it was close to 100 pounds. Then I sort of strayed and remembered some bad habits and put 5-7 back on. I could lose them for the life of me, and was back to feel like poo and the bad digestion. I can FINALLY wear my old clothes with confidence again as of last week. I was just wearing stretchy things before that LOL.



After seeing your fb pictures now, I cannot imagine how hard you had to work, and you're a total inspiration to me. You're amazingly gorgeous.

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I did gain my regular monthly water weight for a while there. ;) So that can shoot you up. And on the Diet Dr. website, he talks about how we need to eat some extra salt int he beginning to balance our water out? Anyway, yes, I've had that happen, the same as you. Just drink like a fish and flush yourself out.


And isnt's not wanting to take a nap in the afternoon amazing? I mean, I don't know about you, but I was *dead* at 3pm, and would have to coffee myself through till bedtime. Now it doesn't even occur to me to drink coffee in the afternoon, and when I drink it, it's because I want to, not because I need to.





After seeing your fb pictures now, I cannot imagine how hard you had to work, and you're a total inspiration to me. You're amazingly gorgeous.



Ah geez you are too! :D But the baggy books and all :lol:

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I do have a question though..... On Mark's Daily Apple, he says less than 50g of carbs a day will put a person in ketosis and that one shouldn't stay in ketosis for more than a few days. However, if I understand the Diet Doctor correctly, he feels we should all maintain a lifestyle of eating less than 50g of carbs a day. Is long term ketosis a bad thing?



:) Beachy


Beachy, I just saw this -- and I don't know if it matters or not whether one is athletic, because in the Art & Science of Low Carb Performance for the Endurance Athlete, they recommend right around a 50 g/day uptake for someone who's into endurance sports. I imagine there's actually a range of "perfect" based on our individual bodies and how we use them.



In other news, I was so shocked when I stepped on the scale this morning...down another couple lbs., a new low on this quest to get back to where I was before I started what I refer to mockingly as the Proper Runner's Diet :tongue_smilie:. Last night I had two Tequila Sunrises (annual party, was only planning on 1 and then low carb beer, but my friend made me a second) and had a part of a hoagie on a white roll (about 2"). What I am finding after 90ish days on the eating plan is that I can eat occasional wheat-based products without a worry. I don't seem to create any cycle of craving as long as what I had was a small portion, and as long as there's plenty of fat to accompany it. YMMV.

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Beachy, I just saw this -- and I don't know if it matters or not whether one is athletic, because in the Art & Science of Low Carb Performance for the Endurance Athlete, they recommend right around a 50 g/day uptake for someone who's into endurance sports. I imagine there's actually a range of "perfect" based on our individual bodies and how we use them.



In other news, I was so shocked when I stepped on the scale this morning...down another couple lbs., a new low on this quest to get back to where I was before I started what I refer to mockingly as the Proper Runner's Diet :tongue_smilie:. Last night I had two Tequila Sunrises (annual party, was only planning on 1 and then low carb beer, but my friend made me a second) and had a part of a hoagie on a white roll (about 2"). What I am finding after 90ish days on the eating plan is that I can eat occasional wheat-based products without a worry. I don't seem to create any cycle of craving as long as what I had was a small portion, and as long as there's plenty of fat to accompany it. YMMV.


This is what I'm hoping can get to.


Logged in my stats today on the Atkin's site, and though I thought I had a horrible week, I actually lost 4 pounds. 13 more to go. I want to be even keel for Thanksgiving. :D Then, I want to start planning how I'll survive the holidays.


Has anyone ever had one 'free' day a week? Did it totally wreck everything? I like making Sundays special, having a dessert and all. If I eat clean for the day, would having a weekly dessert throw me?

Edited by justamouse
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Beachy, I just saw this -- and I don't know if it matters or not whether one is athletic, because in the Art & Science of Low Carb Performance for the Endurance Athlete, they recommend right around a 50 g/day uptake for someone who's into endurance sports. I imagine there's actually a range of "perfect" based on our individual bodies and how we use them.



In other news, I was so shocked when I stepped on the scale this morning...down another couple lbs., a new low on this quest to get back to where I was before I started what I refer to mockingly as the Proper Runner's Diet :tongue_smilie:. Last night I had two Tequila Sunrises (annual party, was only planning on 1 and then low carb beer, but my friend made me a second) and had a part of a hoagie on a white roll (about 2"). What I am finding after 90ish days on the eating plan is that I can eat occasional wheat-based products without a worry. I don't seem to create any cycle of craving as long as what I had was a small portion, and as long as there's plenty of fat to accompany it. YMMV.



Thanks, nono. I am hoping to go as carb free as possible for quite awhile, so I was wondering what others thought of that contradiction between Mark Sisson and Andreas Eenfeldt. As long as I'm losing weight and feeling good, I won't worry about it. I'm no longer craving sweets, but I am still craving carbs. I want that craving to be gone before I try adding it back in.


And congrats on reaching that new low!!!


:) Beachy

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Do those of you doing LCHF keep your calories in check, or does that happen naturally? I am doing Atkins and I am stalled out. I had posted that I gained 4lbs, but that was a mystery as now I am back down 3 without really changing anything. But that's still up a bit from the low I hit initially. I have a LOT to lose, I am tired of jacking around with no losses!!


My calories pretty consistently run 1600. But according to calculators I have seen, my BMR is about 2200. So I should be seeing losses.


My carb intake is less than 30. Net. I try and try to get it closer to 20 but it seems impossible. With a bit of stevia in coffee, and a couple of eggs or cheese, in addition to the veggies, well it climbs fast. I track on My Fitness Pal, so I have a very good grasp on what I am doing. Here are my averages: 72% fat, 16% protein, 12% carb (pretty much all of that is veggies). Should I adjust the fat lower and the protein higher?


I have been told to ignore the calorie factor, but I can't help but think that must be it. I am following the guidelines to a T. <4oz cheese, <4 stevia packets (in my coffee), no extra sodium, no forbidden foods, lots of water. I swear!!! :gnorsi:


If you were me would you lower calories? I sort of feel like that is jumping back in to the cesspool of low calorie diets where I still had no success. :confused:


I also should mention that I am not exercising but will. I had hoped to lose 20 or so before starting that so I would feel better. Oh, and I am hypothyroid and am on Armour thyroid - but I can't tell that that has helped at all.



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I made WendyK's ground beef and shredded cabbage concoction for dinner. I added some ground ginger, brought pre shredded angel hair cabbage, and cooked it down a little more than crisp tender. It tasted exactly like egg roll filling! DH loved it and so did DS. I liked it and loved that it took me no time to throw together.


What recipe is this? I did a search on WendyK's cabbage posts and there are 46 of them! :lol: This sounds yummy, but I couldn't tell which recipe it was.

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It's definitely not my recipe. It's so simple though.


Basically it's just ground meat (turkey, beef, or whatever you like) browned up with some shredded cabbage or coleslaw mix (you know, the bagged stuff). I do that in a lot of butter or bacon fat. At the end I drizzle in a bit of sesame oil (preferably he dark one).


That's it! My husband begs for it. LOL


It's a common low carb recipe. Google "crack slaw". :lol:


I read the whole thread. I am back on low carb now that I have less to worry about; it's time.

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Do those of you doing LCHF keep your calories in check, or does that happen naturally? I am doing Atkins and I am stalled out. I had posted that I gained 4lbs, but that was a mystery as now I am back down 3 without really changing anything. But that's still up a bit from the low I hit initially. I have a LOT to lose, I am tired of jacking around with no losses!!


My calories pretty consistently run 1600. But according to calculators I have seen, my BMR is about 2200. So I should be seeing losses.


My carb intake is less than 30. Net. I try and try to get it closer to 20 but it seems impossible. With a bit of stevia in coffee, and a couple of eggs or cheese, in addition to the veggies, well it climbs fast. I track on My Fitness Pal, so I have a very good grasp on what I am doing. Here are my averages: 72% fat, 16% protein, 12% carb (pretty much all of that is veggies). Should I adjust the fat lower and the protein higher?


I have been told to ignore the calorie factor, but I can't help but think that must be it. I am following the guidelines to a T. <4oz cheese, <4 stevia packets (in my coffee), no extra sodium, no forbidden foods, lots of water. I swear!!! :gnorsi:


If you were me would you lower calories? I sort of feel like that is jumping back in to the cesspool of low calorie diets where I still had no success. :confused:


I also should mention that I am not exercising but will. I had hoped to lose 20 or so before starting that so I would feel better. Oh, and I am hypothyroid and am on Armour thyroid - but I can't tell that that has helped at all.




The low carb friends people would ask you how long it's been, and then encourage you to look at the LONG haul; not the short term fluctuations of the scale.


That said, other members there ~ often women ~ have discovered that later in their weight loss or earlier if they are "older" or "not young" anymore, they have to watch both carbs and calories. For a while, I was on low carb, and I was strict. I didn't lose a pound for 3 months. I still felt better than I do on a lowered calorie/lowered fat mixed diet (i.e. Weight Watchers) but I wasn't losing. My life tanked, and chose to let go of the diet for a while. I suspect it had to do with dairy.

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i.love.lucy, I would try to get a bit more protein into your daily routine for a few days, and see how that works out. It's all a balance of finding where you fit.


As Joanne mentioned, there's a point where both calories and distribution of food percentages come into play. However, don't forget about being too low, too. That's a real possibility. In your shoes, I'd try a little more protein for a week to see what happens. I'd also try to do a 15 min. walk per day if you can squeeze it in. If neither of those do anything to budge you, then I'd try adding 200 cal./day for a week or so to see if that helps. For me, I seem to stall out if I dip below 1800 cal./day (in any plan, not just hflc). It seems to make my body freeze. :) How's that for scientific? :tongue_smilie: But if none of the above works, then perhaps you will have to go the other way. Try to take a lighthearted approach to dialing in on your personal combination, and don't get frustrated. Easy for me to type, eh? ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm having a problem and am not sure what to do about it. We went LC/HF the first of August. Though I tried the Whole30, I couldn't quite keep with it, so I do allow sweeteners (mostly raw honey). But, I have had a total of 4 pieces of GF bread since the first of August. That said, my IBS is actually worse than it was when I was eating grains. Otherwise, my body is doing good ... I'm losing weight and yet, I'd actually rather put the weight back on (about 12 pounds so far) and have the IBS symptoms disappear than keep up like this. Is it possible that my body needs some grains to help? It seems almost counter-intuitive that grains would help my IBS to me, but something isn't right. Here's what we tend to eat: eggs (I've been a heavy-egg eater since at least when I was pregnant with dd, so early 2010; I've never had problems with eggs), meat (chicken, red meat, fish, some pork), veggies (I'm eating a bit more raw than normal as we add more salads in, but mostly cooked as that is how I prefer my veggies), coconut products (again, very used to these - usually in the form of smoothies with frozen fruit - but nothing new there), and nuts (I am eating more nuts than normal as I splurge and make an almond/date/coconut butter/shredded coconut/cinnamon mixture in the food processor). I'm also eating a bit more coconut flour than I used to eat, but in the last couple week's, I've probably only eaten a total of 1/2 T of coconut flour. Any ideas?


Oh, and dh is a bit discouraged as he's actually put on weight. He eats no grains nor sweeteners of any kind, nor any legumes. My thought on him is that he not only doesn't eat enough (and he's back to teaching which means he might eat "lunch" after school and sometimes breakfast doesn't happen at all) and he's not eating enough fat (I told him I'll make a big batch of coconut butter so he can keep a bowl of it at work). Does that seem probable (the gaining weight due to not eating enough and not having enough fat)?

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