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How much time daily for MFW AHL?

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Just the AHL is what I was wondering about - everything else will be about the same this year. This helps tremendously! Oh, by "English" do you mean the literature? or something else?


AHL is comprised of Bible, History and English (lit, grammar and writing). I agree that 3 hours a day, sometimes 4 when a paper is being work upon is an accurate time estimate. Some days the English takes longer, some the history, sometimes the Bible, the schedule fluctuates a bit.

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We are going to do AHL for first time this coming year. We have been TOG family for 5 years and prior to that WTM all the way. I still incorporate WTM philosophies but needed a plan due to my job (working full time is NOT easy). We will be doing the Bible portion very very lightly as we do not put this on transcript (unless they are going to school to be ministers/preachers/missionaries and that is not the case in my kids). With my AHL boy we will be focusing much more on English than anything. He is my English hater (reading, vocab, spelling, writing you name it). That is our focus this year as his first year of high school. We are debating having him delay graduation but not sure yet. The jury is out on that.


I hope that just the history portion of AHL will only take no more than 2 hours a day (he doesn't like to read and is a very slow reader). The literature portion one hour. I plan to do English WTM way not the MFW way for 1 1/2 hours. So I have to get up very early in the morning which means about 5 hours of sleep each night. sigh. He is worth it that much to do this. :)


So the goal is to only have AHL history 2 hours and the English literarture of WTM to take 1 1/2 hours. I will have to come back if I am wrong.



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