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Is this rude?

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We are invited to a graduation ceremony, and dinner at the graduate's house afterward. We will be about 3 hours away that morning, and we *could* make the ceremony but honestly we'd have to drive like the wind, and with SoCal traffic there's always the possibility that we still wouldn't get there.


Would it be rude to accept the invitation for dinner, explaining that it might be impossible for us to be at the ceremony?

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I would just let the hostess know that you have a prior engagement in the morning and you are unsure if it would work for you to arrive on time to the graduation ceremony, but you will try. However, if the timing doesn't work, would it be a problem to come to the dinner only?

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OK, I will send an email & let her know.


We really want to go celebrate with them, so I didn't want to RSVP "no" for the whole thing.


When we've hosted graduations, most people rsvp'd for either the ceremony, the party or both. Just let her know that you'll be there for dinner, and that you're sorry to miss the ceremony.

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