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Prima Latina: CD or DVDs?

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We'll be starting Latin this fall, and I'm planning to use Prima Latina. Looks like there's a set that comes with a CD, and another set with DVDs.


FWIW, I have no Latin background myself, so we'll be learning together.


Is it worth getting the DVDs? are they substantially different from what's offered on the CD? Are they instructional or supplemental?



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I have never seen the DVDs. I am not sure what they cover. But I have used the C.Ds. the C.D.s are purely pronunciation of the lessons. There are no instructions. I think you need these with the programs.


I did Prima Latina without the DVDs using just the T.M which is quite thorough in explaining the lessons which are pretty gentle in PL. I do not think the DVDs are necessary if you are reading the lesson and listening to the C.D.s and following the lesson plans.

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It looks like you are doing Spanish, so you are comfortable with conjugating verbs. Latin is almost identical with the verbs. Nouns decline which was something new to me, but you really don't get into that in PL. And it is introduced gently in LCI. If you are doing ok with Spanish, I am sure you will do fine. PL is mostly vocabulary and prayers and songs (which is why you want those C.Ds!) There isn't a lot of grammar yet.

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I got the DVDs and was very glad I did. We are pretty teacher-intensive around here and I knew I wanted to do Latin, but didn't want yet another subject to prep for and teach. Both DS and I sat and watched the DVDs and I knew that was the only way I could do it. Besides, Leigh Lowe is so cute. She just cracked me up - Latin with a southern accent.

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