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Cottage School...thoughts?


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We want to put our son in some classes this fall (he want's to be with kids more) and our options are individual classes or a cottage school. Has anyone had experience with a cottage school? The one we are looking into is classical education 2 days a week for homeschoolers. The website says you are at the school 2 days and work at home 3 days. I have already planned what we will use for next year (well we school yr round so we have already started) and I am afraid that this will overtake what I have planned. Here is what is listed on the website:


SCA provides a rigorous classical education to home schooling students in pre-k through 12th grade


The student completes a full year of academic work on an alternating schedule of in-class and at-home lessons where 66% of the work is completed at home. The academic week for pre-k through fourth grade in the 2-Day Program begins on Tuesday

Time spent on at-home assignments will vary with the grade, temperament and ability of the student.

Parents will have the responsibility to work with their student in reviewing, test preparation, some math lessons and overseeing various, yet very manageable, homework assignments. Parents grade math lessons.


The classes through the cottage school are-

math 2x per wk

writing literature 2x wk

latin 2x wk

choir 1x wk

science 1x wk

geography 1x wk

history 1x wk


What are your thoughts? My husband thinks it is a wonderful option. I am going to a parents meeting on July 10th to find out more.

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If it was a great one, I'd be all over that :) I looked at one and it's A Beka and Bob Jones... not so much :(

I can not find what curriculum this one offers on their website :( I will find out when I go to the parents meeting. We are going to tour another Latin School in our area that is 3 days a week, but they are considered a full time private school. It was founded by the family who started Memoria Press and they use Memoria Press in their school. I am just not sure that we want to go that route.

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...We are going to tour another Latin School in our area that is 3 days a week, but they are considered a full time private school. It was founded by the family who started Memoria Press and they use Memoria Press in their school. I am just not sure that we want to go that route.


How is 3 days full time? I might very well love the MP school :) Good Luck on choosing... At least you have a choice!! :)

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Do you know about Highlands Latin Cottage school? It is one day a week and looks like it starts in third grade. I just came across this a month or so ago. I am planning to try out MP next year and if it works for us I am going to look into this option, but right now I don't know anything beyond the website.


I think you are right, a two day cottage school could overtake what you have planned. If you don't want to change your plans how about a co-op or even classical conversations? We do CC as an extra, and it does not overtake my plans.

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Do you know about Highlands Latin Cottage school? It is one day a week and looks like it starts in third grade. I just came across this a month or so ago. I am planning to try out MP next year and if it works for us I am going to look into this option, but right now I don't know anything beyond the website.


I think you are right, a two day cottage school could overtake what you have planned. If you don't want to change your plans how about a co-op or even classical conversations? We do CC as an extra, and it does not overtake my plans.


Yes I do :001_smile: The 3 day a week program i was talking about is the highlands Latin acadamy. My son is only in 1st though so we have to wait 2 years for that.


I'm not sure how they get around the attendance, but 1-2 is 3 days and 4-12 is 4 days a week.

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Highlands Latin School is definitely full time school...It would most definitely overtake your plans...There would be no need to homeschool if you sent your child there...There is an extra hour and a half on the school days making an extra 6 hours a week, so it is like another 6 hour day...


The Cottage School would also overtake your plans...You would most likely spend the days you are not there teaching and going over stuff learned there...I think that is fine if you are on board with the curriculum they use, would be a problem if you are not...


I personally would love a one day a week class using Memoria Press :D

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It sounds like what this my area calls a university model. You go to school two days and the rest are spent at home. The school tells you exactly what to teach on those days at home and the kids fall behind if they don't keep up with the exact at-home work. It is basically traditional school with you being the teacher for 2-3 of the days that they have scheduled, hence it being a full-time school.


It mainly attracts parent who are not confident is picking curriculum, who want things laid out for them, or who need the accountability. It is not meant to be supplemented.


At least that is the case here.

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What are your thoughts? My husband thinks it is a wonderful option. I am going to a parents meeting on July 10th to find out more.


It sounds like a UMS. This is my ideal academic environment, but I've never been able to pull it off (we started one 2 yrs ago and ended up getting burned out of our house- changed the year quite a bit). You can find out more about them at the NAUMS webiste.


It sounds like what this my area calls a university model. You go to school two days and the rest are spent at home. The school tells you exactly what to teach on those days at home and the kids fall behind if they don't keep up with the exact at-home work. It is basically traditional school with you being the teacher for 2-3 of the days that they have scheduled, hence it being a full-time school.


It mainly attracts parent who are not confident is picking curriculum, who want things laid out for them, or who need the accountability. It is not meant to be supplemented.


At least that is the case here.


I don't agree with the bolded part. It is more about like-minded parents coming together to combine the best of homeschooling with the best of a group teaching model. Most UMS's have a small class size, even the large ones.

Like Nafies, I'd steer clear of a UMS that was textbook bound. There are tons of classical ums's and Latins Highland Schools is now publshing their affiliate schools in their mag. Latin's Highland is a 4 day a week school, btw.

Autumn Oak- I so want to do a 1-day MP for my youngest (gr 4/5). Wanna join me? ;)

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I'm just going off of my own experience. I have about a dozen friends that are a part of a university model here, and they all say they want to homeschool but are intimidated by all of the choices in curriculum and are scared they are going to fail their kids.


I wouldn't exactly say it is parents coming together. I don't know about the program the OP was talking about, but here, the classes are taught by paid teachers, not parents. It is exactly like a school, but two days are spent at home... same class size here (20+), led by a teacher, and it doesn't accommodate a child's learning style. If a curriculum isn't working, you are straight out of luck.

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