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Online Writing Course for 9th grade?

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You might try this over the summer as a warm up:



I am thinking about trying it out this coming year.


Also, this program looked interesting:



Check out the Language Arts offerings at Homeschool Buyers Coop as well. The PLato Learning course might be a good fit. It is not available yet, but there are plans to offer the course in the fall.

Edited by MomatHWTK
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I have just about decided to go with a writing course from WriteAtHome for my DS this coming year. They offer 8-week workshops, as well as year-long courses. The workshops are $149 each, and you can choose from a pretty wide variety of topics.


We did NaNoWriMo a couple of years ago with a co-op, and it was a fun way to get my son writing. It is designed to have the kids (and adults, too) write a novel during the month of November, but the material provided, which taught the kids how to write, could be used any time of the year.

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We've used The Potter's School for writing for the past 2 years and feel theirs is a very strong program. 9th graders can take English 2 or 3. My dd took English 2 as an 8th grader (her first writing class with TPS) and had to adjust somewhat to their standards. However, they still have the kids go step-by-step through the writing and revision process, getting input from others along the way, increasing standards as they go, etc. In English 3, there seems to be much less focus on the process and more on refining skills. However, in any TPS English class, there will be kids who have taken the previous level and those who haven't. Dd's friend jumped into English 3 for 9th and did well.


BTW, the English classes are literature and writing. English 2 is lighter on grammar (with more focus on the writing process), and English 3 includes lots of grammar, along with the writing and literature. These classes have a poetry component too.


http://www.pottersschool.org/w/4871.jsp There are also summer writing-only classes that start next week.

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I have to second TPS. We have taken English 2, English 3, Narnia Literature and Advanced Comp. My dd who finished advanced comp this year had zero anxiety taken the writing section of the SAT as it was not a stress to her at all--- as they had done it all year. She pulled a 730 in the writing section so we are pleased with the results. Both are taking additional writing this year as well.


English 2 is for us IMHO a better start as it has literature, writing, grammar and a big poetry component that even ds who did not want to do thrived in. You really do not need to add to this and the cost is just slightly over budget at I think $450 per year.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all for your replies. I'm going to be checking into all of these. I am wondering if anyone has used the University of Nebraska? They have a class on expository writing that looks interesting.




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  • 1 month later...
Thank you all for your replies. I'm going to be checking into all of these. I am wondering if anyone has used the University of Nebraska? They have a class on expository writing that looks interesting.





Haven't used it but UNL is expensive for coursework.

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Could anyone recommend an online writing course for my 9th grader? He has always been a very reluctant writer, so he really needs to start at square one. My price range is around $200 a semester.



This is exactly the cost of our courses at the new study center online. I've banded together with some other teachers to provide courses that will develop the art of communication via high school courses. I believe the best way to develop writing is to energize the students to write about a subject that they are researching and discussing with their peers! The mechanics of writing aren't that hard to learn, but to learn to study and read and think--these are the skills that a true writer needs.


These are the skills that the other teachers at our center are going to be working on. Grace is teaching an English course focused on British poetry and one on American literature, and Jessie is teaching an American History course. Both of these ladies are accomplished writers in their own right. You can read all about their courses here: Course Catalog/.


They will be helping their students get down to the hard work of learning to research and to read--so that they have something to write about! There will plenty of essays and papers assigned during these courses.


I am associated with them in this study center, but I don't make any money from their teaching online, just don't want anyone to miss the opportunity to benefit from the passion and experience they are bringing to the online teaching world!


Good luck in your search. I have a passion for inspiring 9th grade boys to write, as my main job is now teaching this age in a small classical school here in NC. (Last year I had lots of reluctant writers, with 8 boys and only 2 girls in the class!)


So don't give up! Motivation to communicate is the key. When they are sharing their papers with others in the class, who care about what they are saying, learning the mechanics comes a lot easier after this.

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