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I am so mad about the kids' religion section in B&N...

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I went to Barnes and Noble yesterday.


Ours had 24 shelves dedicated to "Judaica". 24 shelves on "Christianity" with another 18 devoted to "Christian Inspiration". Bibles had their own section. Islam got almost 4 shelves (one shelf was shared with books on LDS).


"Eastern Religions", if memory serves, had 12 shelves (most on Buddhism), with Hinduism theoretically having two shelves, but included such items as books by Paramhansa Yogananda (including one on Jesus).


You could find the basic core texts of Hinduism including the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Ramayana. But not much beyond that.





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I went to Barnes and Noble yesterday.


Ours had 24 shelves dedicated to "Judaica". 24 shelves on "Christianity" with another 18 devoted to "Christian Inspiration". Bibles had their own section. Islam got almost 4 shelves (one shelf was shared with books on LDS).


"Eastern Religions", if memory serves, had 12 shelves (most on Buddhism), with Hinduism theoretically having two shelves, but included such items as books by Paramhansa Yogananda (including one on Jesus).


You could find the basic core texts of Hinduism including the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Ramayana. But not much beyond that.






I'm in Santa Clarita, maybe ours just isn't as good as Los Angeles's.

Michelle T

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I absolutely see your point. I, too, live in the Bible Belt and am not Christian. This seems to be a serious problem for my neighbors, for some reason.


The religion section at our local bookstore is a little better stocked than yours, though -- they have *two* Jewish Bibles! Oops -- that wasn't in the children's section though. Never been over there. ;-)


In the main store, books about or for other religions are on a four foot long shelf labeled "philosophy."

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I have noticed that changing over the last years- more and more mainstream bookshops here are selling various books on various religions- Buddhism is supposedly the fastest growing religion in Australia and there is a big market for books on Buddhism. I notice the section on "New Age", the section on "religion" and the section on "self help" all have books in them that I might choose to put in a different category.

It's probably your area, by the sounds of it, and perhaps what sells, and even the person doing the buying may be strongly biased. Making a complaint is a good idea- it lets them know there is demand for more than Christian books. The times they are a changing- but in some areas, slower than others.

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