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Garlic powder from China

Guest Virginia Dawn

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I need garlic powder. I was in Wal-mart yesterday and every single brand they had was from China. I didn't buy any. Does anyone have a brand from the US in their cupboards? What is the brand and where did you buy it?

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I have never looked to see where ours is from - again!:mad: But I can tell you that we buy it in bulk at our local grocery (most healthfood or organic stores around here carry this brand, too). The brand is Frontier and the also have a non bulk brand called Simply Organic.

I just googled it and found this for you: http://www.frontiercoop.com/prdDisp.php?I=18351


They have all different sizes/prices available if you cannot find it locally.

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I have never looked to see where ours is from - again!:mad: But I can tell you that we buy it in bulk at our local grocery (most healthfood or organic stores around here carry this brand, too). The brand is Frontier and the also have a non bulk brand called Simply Organic.

I just googled it and found this for you: http://www.frontiercoop.com/prdDisp.php?I=18351


They have all different sizes/prices available if you cannot find it locally.



Frontier herbs are generally the brand of bulk herbs/spices sold in our natural foods store. I don't use garlic powder, relying instead on fresh garlic. But, I buy most of my dried seasonings in the Frontier brand.

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NPR recently did a story on how the cheap Chinese imported garlic is affecting the California garlic industry. It is difficult here to find U.S. garlic in any form, even at the green grocer.


California is fighting back by pointing out that their garlic is more flavorful and that it is safer due to higher levels of government inspection.

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