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Looking for devotional recommendations for a 10th grade girl

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Anyone have some good recommendations for me? I want to get something that my dd can work with on her own to help her develop her own walk and her own personal time with God, but that is a little structured so she's not just up in her room not knowing what to do, kwim? Maybe something in a workbook format? I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking for, but something that will help her work through the Bible and also develop her prayer life. I do devotions with the kids, but for dd I really want her to get into the habit of spending her own personal time with God.


Thanks to all who reply. :)

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I'd suggest giving HER the choice, maybe between several sources. Or you could walk into the Lifeway Bookstore together and just feel overwhelmed at the choices!


Leslie Ludy's books

Power of a Praying Woman by S Omartian

Elisabeth Elliot books


I think everyone will have a different choice of "emphasis"--I'm hoping you get lots of different recommendations!


Our dd knows it's her own responsibility to deepen her walk with the Lord, but it's also good to have some accountability with her parents. :001_smile:

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I'd say if this is about quiet time / growing time with God, help her learn to pray. A good prayer book, like this one, is so helpful. This is the one my 9th and 11th grade girls use. My prayer life has improved so much since I've begun using a prayer book to guide me, so perhaps your daughter would have a similar experience. (These prayer books say "for Orthodox Christians" but anyone can use them, Orthodox or not ..... they just include prayers from the ancient Christian tradition of Orthodoxy; the prayers themselves were written before there were denominations and so are timeless/boundaryless that way). HTH.

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Along the lines of prayer, Anthony Bloom's book Beginning to Pray is just amazing. It was written by an Orthodox archbishop and I read it through that lense, but I think it could be used anyone?


I have no teen dc, but I wasn't the most mature Christian when I read it...;)

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