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Miquon workbooks & MUS blocks?


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I am intrigued by what I have been learning about the Miquon program by watching all the videos recently posted by Rosie (I hope I got her name right). I was wondering if the MUS blocks could be used (since I already owned them) instead of the cuisenaire rods. Are the colors the only difference?

Also, thank you Rosie for all the time you've spent making the videos! They are very helpful!!

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I don't think they are exactly the same size. If there is a diagram on a Miquon page to measure using rods, the MUS blocks may not fit it perfectly, because their top bumps are a cm, but there is surrounding dip part that adds a little. But the MUS ones do also have the same proportions from one to another to be able to see that a single unit is half of a two unit block and so on. So I think you could use MUS to show the same concepts. The MUS blocks, of course, are countable as to number of units. The Cuisinaire ones more force either getting a sense of the proportionate size or memorizing what color is what length because, at least ones I have seen, don't show a clear number of units on each block.

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The scale is not the same (MUS blocks are bigger).


You could teach lessons Miquon-style using MUS blocks, but for the exercises in the student books (lab books) the blocks would not match the page. It would be an issue.



:iagree: I found the dimensions of the c-rods to be especially valuable when we introduced measurement using the rods and Miquon worksheets. It seemed important to my girls (even exciting!) that 1 cm was as long as a white rod. It was thrilling for them to discover that it takes 10 orange rods to make 1 m. Then when we used a ruler to measure the different rods and discovered that, wow, the 8 rod is 8 cm long, it was a Big Deal for my kids. It is maybe a little thing, but I felt that it has helped them understand length and the relation between a cm, dm, and m more readily.

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:iagree: I found the dimensions of the c-rods to be especially valuable when we introduced measurement using the rods and Miquon worksheets. It seemed important to my girls (even exciting!) that 1 cm was as long as a white rod. It was thrilling for them to discover that it takes 10 orange rods to make 1 m. Then when we used a ruler to measure the different rods and discovered that, wow, the 8 rod is 8 cm long, it was a Big Deal for my kids. It is maybe a little thing, but I felt that it has helped them understand length and the relation between a cm, dm, and m more readily.


I was interesting to me that my son's first internalized measurement of length turned out to be metric. Not so unusual on a world-scale but for American kids, yes.



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  • 4 weeks later...
I am intrigued by what I have been learning about the Miquon program by watching all the videos recently posted by Rosie (I hope I got her name right). I was wondering if the MUS blocks could be used (since I already owned them) instead of the cuisenaire rods. Are the colors the only difference?

Also, thank you Rosie for all the time you've spent making the videos! They are very helpful!!


There are videos?? Where are they? :bigear::D

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