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Developing Linguistic Patterns Through Poetry Memorization


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I use it with just the book. Sometimes I wish we had the CD's for convenience sake but I haven't been willing to fork over the money for them. The only draw back to not having the CD's is that I have to make the time to read over the newest poem with each kid (it's only my younger ones that use it) each day to help them memorize.


I have heard that the CD's are very well done and really help with the memorization.



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You could easily do it with just the book, but the CDs add in the convenience factor. When we do our group memory work we just read the poems aloud without the CDs, but I really like having the CDs for review in the car. However, they don't add anything except the convenience - all of the poems plus the how-to's for the program are all in the book.

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I record all the poems we are using onto my computer. I'm sure I don't sound as good as whoever did the CD from IEW, but it works.


Also, and I know this is hokey, I like the idea that my dc have my voice recorded. My favorite brother died a few years back, and my dsil left his message on their voice mail. At first, I hated calling their house because it was so startling to hear David's voice. After a while, though, I would call when I'd know no one was home just to hear him.:o


My dsil remarried, and they got rid of their land line. I found this out yesterday, and it made me so sad:angelsad2:


I've recorded longer picture books, etc., too. I've even burned most of those onto CDs ('cause you never know when your computer will go).


TMI, I know, but I just wanted to put another spin on the topic.




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I record all the poems we are using onto my computer. I'm sure I don't sound as good as whoever did the CD from IEW, but it works.




This is what I plan to do. I purchased the book at convention and plan to record the poems via computer. I wouldn't mind having Pudewa's CDs but they're just too pricey for me. Guess I'd rather spend my time instead of my money.

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For those of you making recordings on the computer, can you share how you do this? I recorded some of our memory work in a program called Gold Wave and it seemed like it worked fine, but when I burned it onto a cd (used Windows Explorer) the cd skipped a lot.





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Also, and I know this is hokey, I like the idea that my dc have my voice recorded.




This is how I feel too. My kids actually don't like audios much- never took to the SOTW CDs- they always preferred me to read aloud.

Another aspect for us us the American accent reading the poetry.

But I also didn't like the sample reading on the website. He recites slower than me!

I also did a recording of me reading the poetry, but it seemed silly to go to the fuss of putting the CD in the player and finding the spot, when I could just read it LIVE.

However my kids also rebel at listening to "school" in the car. (We are at the stage of popular radio stations and they teach me the lyrics!) So I dont have that incentive.

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