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Explode the Code online


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Love love love love love love love love it!!!


It's, literally, my favorite thing we do. BUT- the reasons I love it might not apply to you as much. :D


The games are great, but not so fun that they're not learning, my kids have learned the keys on the keyboard and how to use a mouse from it. The reports are AWESOME, the grading scale is informative, the software is smart about how it places the child, and the control you have as the teacher is perfect.


For us, though, it works because it's one more tool to get my wiggly kids to get more phonics in. I teach them both through the book at the same level but let the computer pace them individually. This allows me to just teach phonics once, but still allow my kids to go through the online review and stuff at their own pace. My daughter is usually ahead of my son, so what we do together in the book is review for her, and on the computer she gets challenged more. Without my son getting disheartened that his little sis reads SO much better than he does.


If you can afford it, I highly recommend it. BUT- it's by no means a necessity, so I wouldn't necessarily pick having it as a tool over, say, a curriculum you really need.

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We disliked ETC Online here. I know there was a thread not too long ago where the majority of people did not recommend it. I much prefer the workbooks and I leave computer time for other pursuits. We currently have a more.starfall.com subscription and a Jumpstart one. I much prefer the Starfall one as it is less flashy and more educational.

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Hated, hated, hated it!


Worst waste of money in homeschooling to date for us.


It was terrible.


ETA: I have a review of both the workbook and online components on another site if you're curious about the nuances of my loathing.

Edited by farrarwilliams
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