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What gives your life purpose?

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Is there something new you could try that you view as "hard"? I know I've gotten a lift lately by attacking some things I didn't think I could do before. Even just starting jogging and learning I'm not as out of shape as I thought I was became a real "pick me up" lately.


Or how about taking a look at your house/life/surroundings as if you were a tourist and seeing if there's something you're missing.


Do you have a camera? Could you try some fancy photography?


Maybe start a blog just for fun?


Is there ANYONE you can invite over, just to get back in the swing of it?

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After leaving a big city in the U.S. to a VERY small town (pop. 1000) in New Zealand, I felt the same way as you (although I'm not blessed with a lot of kiddos). It was too quiet, no extended family, entertainment too far away, etc.


Just like you I prayed. Eventhough we did find a church, it was still too new and different. But what really helped me was when a missionary friend told me a story which ended with "grow wherever God plants you!" As soon as I took that to heart, I began to just find projects for me, my family, and most of all, for others outside our family! I think that's what got me out of my boredom... doing things for others! That's how God answered my prayers. I know he'll answer yours! Let us know when it comes to fruition....

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How about volunteering for something in the community? You could do this alone, with your dh, or with your whole family. Your city or county probably has opportunities in a local park. My city has a volunteer park patrol, which I don't have time for, but sounds like a lot of fun. Our local Humane Society has volunteer dog walkers. Our police dept. has neighborhood watch coordinators..you get the idea.

Volunteering for more community-oriented activies gives you an opportunity to put your faith in action outside the church.


And you may meet some new friends through volunteering...pick a cause that is close to your heart...I volunteered at a crisis pregnancy center when I felt lonely years ago. Met some great friends that led to a church! Start small - take cookies to an elderly neighbor or any neighbor! And count your blessings.



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It takes effort to keep everything rolling smoothly and have time to enjoy each other, but it's worth it. I find I do better with small things, not only due to financial restraints, but also because I'm lazy.


Some families do things like have a certain meal on certain days (Sunday brunch, Saturday pancakes), or just little rituals that are something to look forward to. We like to go on picnics - that's fun, even if you don't go far. Add a few frisbees and you've got entertainment, too.


Cheap thrills keep us going, even though I don't do as much of it as I should. I'm going to make more of an effort now to do more than just the usual. Thanks, Jean - it seems like every time you have a problem, I benefit from it! I hope you can find a solution, too.

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But I am bored. I need something more than just HSing the kids, kwim? Of course once school starts, I will probably whine that I am too busy. Maybe I am just nuts.


Thanks for the book recommendations.


I haven't read the rest of the thread, so forgive me if I'm being superficial (which I am, I know, but..) but have you ever done a 'beauty night' with your girls? I know the boys outweigh the girls in your house, but you have enough girls to do it. We do massages, hair conditioning treatments, manicures and pedicures, facials...girl stuff!

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My oldest DD is really struggling with the same feelings I am having too.


What about starting something for just the two of you? A mother-daughter book club, or Bible study? You could set aside an hour or so once a week (or every other week) and discuss, hang out, maybe get out of the house together, even if it's just a nowhere place.

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I guess that's what happened to me 2 years ago. I had to make a list of things I wanted learn or do and start making goals and go for it. Now I take on line classes. I am getting ready to sign up for a 10K in the fall and train for this. I plan on learning how to knit this year and work on a foreign language. DH and I have a standing Saturday lunch date we run errands we usually end up at a bookstore get a coffee and just browse around. We bring our 2 year old with us and leave the teens at home.

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Quiver, what are your interests? What do you like to do besides watch TV?


I have NO idea and that's part of my problem. I don't know what I want or like to do.


The best way to get close to women fast has been Bible study.


I did decide to try and find at the least a Bible study for me and maybe my 19 yo to attend together. I am going t work on that this weekend and see if we can join something next week.


I also helped start a homeschool co-op and would do it again in a heartbeat.


We do belong to a HS co-op and classes start up again in August.


A Mother's Prayer


God, give me the wisdom to see that today is my day with my children; that there is no unimportant moment in their lives. May I know no other career is as precious, no other work so rewarding, no other task so urgent. May I not defer to nor neglect it. But by thy Spirit accept it gladly, joyously, and by thy grace realize that the time is short and my time is now, for children won't wait!


Thanks for sharing this!

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Is there something new you could try that you view as "hard"? I know I've gotten a lift lately by attacking some things I didn't think I could do before. Even just starting jogging and learning I'm not as out of shape as I thought I was became a real "pick me up" lately.


Or how about taking a look at your house/life/surroundings as if you were a tourist and seeing if there's something you're missing.



I had started jogging a while back, but stopped for various reasons. Maybe I will try again in a few weeks. I did enjoy it and would love to do a 5K someday.


Yesterday I attacked my school room and got it organized, which felt good. Today I am working on deep cleaning the kitchen and laundry room. I plan to go through the house, room by room, and organize/clean it .

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But what really helped me was when a missionary friend told me a story which ended with "grow wherever God plants you!" As soon as I took that to heart, I began to just find projects for me, my family, and most of all, for others outside our family!


Not those exact words, but someone shared something simliar and I know that being content is a huge issue for me. I realy struggle with it and I have spent some time the last two days really praying and soul searching that I can find contentment.

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And you may meet some new friends through volunteering...pick a cause that is close to your heart...I volunteered at a crisis pregnancy center when I felt lonely years ago. Met some great friends that led to a church! Start small - take cookies to an elderly neighbor or any neighbor! And count your blessings.




I think I would enjoy a pregnancy center and I know there is one not too far from here. We have also been considering Habitat for Humanity so we could all do it together, well most of us. And there is a food kitchen not too far too.

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I haven't read the rest of the thread, so forgive me if I'm being superficial (which I am, I know, but..) but have you ever done a 'beauty night' with your girls? I know the boys outweigh the girls in your house, but you have enough girls to do it. We do massages, hair conditioning treatments, manicures and pedicures, facials...girl stuff!



I never thought of this, but I bet they would love it!

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What about starting something for just the two of you? A mother-daughter book club, or Bible study? You could set aside an hour or so once a week (or every other week) and discuss, hang out, maybe get out of the house together, even if it's just a nowhere place.



I am working on finding a Bible study. I am praying we can find a church soon too and we are going to try a new one tomorrow. Pray we can follow God's lead to one that is right for us.

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I guess that's what happened to me 2 years ago. I had to make a list of things I wanted learn or do and start making goals and go for it. Now I take on line classes. I am getting ready to sign up for a 10K in the fall and train for this. I plan on learning how to knit this year and work on a foreign language. DH and I have a standing Saturday lunch date we run errands we usually end up at a bookstore get a coffee and just browse around. We bring our 2 year old with us and leave the teens at home.



I need to find what my interst are. I;d like some classes, but I think I;d like to try some at the CC or adult education center. I;d love to meet some new people.


One thing I was thinking @ last night was joining a book club at the library. I think they have one that meets weekly. I am going to there today,so I am going to ask @ it.

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