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What's the closest math curric to CLE but...


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...that my dh could use in his special ed classroom (public school)?


For years he's looked at the CLE that I use with our ds with special needs and says, "This is EXACTLY what I wish I could use with my students!" However, the district is not ok with him using it (he even offered to go through every page and white out or tear out any reference to Christianity.)


He loves the simplicity and the concreteness of CLE (which is why it works so well with ds, 13, who has CP and NVLD.) Anything abstract (Singapore, MM, etc.) is NOT a fit for ds or for my dh's students. He also loves the repetition and that it's easy to teach multiple levels at once....he has 16 students in 9th-12th. They range from about a preK to 4th grade level in math.


The only other drawback of CLE for him is that it's consumable...he couldn't afford to order new LUs every year.


So I guess my question is: Is there is anything just like CLE except secular and non-consumable?




homeschooling dd (7th), ds (13, CP, NVLD, and Asperger's), ds (5th), and dd (1st)


PS I laughed today and told dh I never imagined that I'd be posting a message on a homeschooling board for him. :)

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I haven't really looked at them, but aren't the School-Aid texts not religious? They're written by Amish, so still a similar method. I don't remember if they're spiral or not - may be more like R&S.


Another spiral secular option is Saxon, though it is also incremental, which may or may not be a good choice for those kids.


Oh! What about Jump Math? It's supposed to be good for remedial teaching.

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I was going to say Saxon but grades 1-3 are different than the older grades. Please still look at them though because they may work! Also it is very hands on teaching in Saxon for those grades so he could prbly combine.


We've used CLE for older dd grades 1-6 and younger for 1-3! The older grades of Saxon would be perfect-exactly what you're saying. Take a look at the younger grades and see what you think. It's very well accepted by and commonly used in both public and private schools.

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I haven't really looked at them, but aren't the School-Aid texts not religious? They're written by Amish, so still a similar method. I don't remember if they're spiral or not - may be more like R&S.



The school-aid texts like Spunky the Donkey and StudyTime are Amish but not religious. However, they are consumable. They do have a lot of review.

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Saxon is close. The format is similar, but the intruction is different (did not work very well fo my son with language LDs). Our school here has 2 multi-age classrooms and the kids use Saxon because they are all at different plans and work at different paces. Your dh could provide the instruction or link up khan academy videos for the kids to do independently, since Saxon's instruction is likely not enough for his kids.

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I'm not sure what "level" of special ed you need. My son's classroom used Touch Math in early middle school. The school district bought another program bc of changes in requirements for special ed students to be taught the same concepts as regular ed. They switched to TransMath by Sopris West. Everyone forgot the basics and it was an utter disaster! I would recommend Saxon bc it is spiral and school systems would buy it!



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