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If you've bought your dc a kindle...

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did you set them up with their own account?


I'm thinking of getting dd one for her b-day. I'm willing to share most of my kindle book purchases with her, but there are a few I don't want her reading just yet--some rather mature historical fiction for instance (She'll be 12.). I've noticed when I click "remove from device" it simply archives it.


I would rather not set up an account for her if I don't have to.


It would not occur to her to log into my amazon account, so if I could use that to manage her kindle, it would suffice. I've just only ever had one device, so I'm not sure what's possible or even if a second kindle in my name would arrive with all my books preloaded. (If it didn't then there would be nothing to worry about.)

Edited by darlasowders
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Ds has one that's tied to my account. I did it that way because there are some books that we both read and I didn't want to have to buy them twice (The Hunger Games series comes to mind). He never bothers to look at the archives, and wouldn't be at all interested in most of what I read, so it's not a problem for me. You are correct though that she could see the titles of all books on the account by looking at the archives. Removing them from the device doesn't prevent access to them. She'd have to connect to wifi or 3G though to download them, or to even read the descriptions about them.


ETA: No, it doesn't arrive preloaded if it's a regular e-ink Kindle. Not sure about the Fire.

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We bought just the regular version, not the Fire, for my DS (11). The Fire displays the archived books as front covers like a bookshelf or shelf safari type thing; the regular one he has to go into the archives, search the list, etc. so I feel comfortable with him sharing our Kindle account and we just loaded onto his Kindle the books that were age appropriate/of interest to him.


We keep the wi-fi turned off on his,though he can turn it on if he wants, but he is pretty good about asking before pulling a book from the archives and he knows to ask before he buys anything. If you trust your dd not to go on-line and buy from her kindle w/o your permission, then just set up the same rules before she "shops" the archives -- she has to ask first before accessing anything from there, just as with accessing the Kindle Store from the Kindle.


This has worked well for us so far, and like others said, I'd rather share and deal with enforcing those rules than buy books twice if there is something we do share. Not all titles allow lending between accounts, but all allow more than one device per account to access that title.

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All of my kids kindles are tied to my account. To keep them from having books on there that aren't appropriate from my library, I just never set up the wifi on theirs. I download the books from the amazon site to my PC then plug the kindle in like a drive via USB and drag and drop the books that are ok for them to read onto their kindles.


My kids could turn on the wifi but it wouldn't do any good since the house WIFI is password protected and they don't know the password.


No the kindle won't come preloaded with any of your stuff, it will have to be registered to the account once it arrives, but unless you set up the wifi it won't be able to use that to sync anyway.

Edited by nukeswife
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All of my kids kindles are tied to my account. To keep them from having books on there that aren't appropriate from my library, I just never set up the wifi on theirs. I download the books from the amazon site to my PC then plug the kindle in like a drive via USB and drag and drop the books that are ok for them to read onto their kindles.


My kids could turn on the wifi but it wouldn't do any good since the house WIFI is password protected and they don't know the password.


No the kindle won't come preloaded with any of your stuff, it will have to be registered to the account once it arrives, but unless you set up the wifi it won't be able to use that to sync anyway.


That sounds like an excellent solution--and it would not have to be permanent since I can deregister it and set it up differently later if necessary.

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