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WWYD? Grade for co-op PE/Health...

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...that had no teacher for more than 1/2 the school year? :(


The teacher dropped out of co-op midyear and no one officially replaced her. Very little of the textbook was completed and my ds 14 pretty much played "ultimate frisbee" for the rest of the co-op.


So, now I'm trying to figure out what "grade" I should put on his transcript? :confused: At first I thought I'd put a "pass/fail" type grade ("pass" of course), but I think a letter grade would work out better for the credit and GPA calculations.


I just found two chapter tests and the scores he received were 94% and 88%.


What would YOU do?

Edited by Vanna
to add in test scores
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eta: What would I do? Since there was no teacher for most of the class and only two chapters of the book were completed, I would go with pass or fail, thus Pass.


Even if there had been a teacher and the textbook had been completed, I would still go with pass/fail. I agree with regentrude that something feels strange to me about weighting P.E. the same as something like Precalculus or Chemistry.

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Since you want the letter grade, then I would determine his grade based on partly the tests and his participation. Something like this:


For example:

Each test is worth 100 points for a total of 50% of his grade.




The rest of the 50% of the grade would be made up of participation, say 1 point for attending and participating in each class.


So, if the class met once a week for 36 weeks, then there would be a total of 36 points. If he attended and participated in all the classes, then he got 36/36=1




If you really want/need a grade, I'd probably go with this approach.


I spent a few days last week coming up with grades for some of my son's classes. (It's been a less-than-organized year.) And some of them don't lend themselves to a nice, neat grading scheme.


I wanted to give him credit for choir, for example. So, I looked up some syllabi online for high school choir courses and checked how they grade. I also talked to my daughter about how grades were assigned for her college choir. And I decided to grade mostly on participation, with a few points thrown in for some field trips we did during the year and the discussions we had following those.


It ended up looking like this:


35 Regular Rehearsals (1 pt. each) = 31 (because he missed four rehearsals during the year)

6 Saturday Rehearsals (2 pts. each) = 12

16 Concerts and Services (3 pts. each) = 42 (because he missed a few of those)

2 Additional Events (3 pts. each) = 6

Total points available = 101

Points earned = 91

Average = 90%

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...that had no teacher for more than 1/2 the school year? :(


The teacher dropped out of co-op midyear and no one officially replaced her. Very little of the textbook was completed and my ds 14 pretty much played "ultimate frisbee" for the rest of the co-op.


So, now I'm trying to figure out what "grade" I should put on his transcript? :confused: At first I thought I'd put a "pass/fail" type grade ("pass" of course), but I think a letter grade would work out better for the credit and GPA calculations.


I just found two chapter tests and the scores he received were 94% and 88%.


What would YOU do?

If the student met only once a week and did no homework (which I assume since the textbook wasn't completed), then this wouldn't earn a credit at all at my house. It could be part of a credit.



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I couldn't assign a grade if they only covered 2 chapters of the book and basically played for a class period. I would have him finish the textbook and then award him a 1/2 credit for the textbook portion. I would have him do a semester of formal PE next year to make up for the fact that they just played ultimate frisbee this year.

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I'd start over and do the health class at home and assign a grade and 0.5 credits based on that.


For P.E., we require 150 hours of physical activity to get 1 credit. I agree with others that I'd LIKE to give a "pass" for P.E. but my umbrella school requires assignment of A to F grades.



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Thank you all for your responses (and a "special thank you" to those who took the time to type out grade calculations :grouphug:).


eta: What would I do? Since there was no teacher for most of the class and only two chapters of the book were completed, I would go with pass or fail, thus Pass.


I do not assign a letter grade for PE, only for academic core classes.

(The idea of averaging the calculus and PE grades in a GPA calculation somehow seems strange to me)

I assign a grade of P (pass, participate) for courses like that.



Even if there had been a teacher and the textbook had been completed, I would still go with pass/fail. I agree with regentrude that something feels strange to me about weighting P.E. the same as something like Precalculus or Chemistry.

Regentrude and Superdad, you both raised a point I had not thought of and weighed heavy on my mind after I read the email digest of this thread last night. I'm definitely going with the "pass" as the grade for this class. Thank you again! :D
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