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Teaching Textbooks...just the book (cp)

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Yes, you can use just the textbook with the answer book. You do not need the cds. The workbook does have example problems and practice problems. My ds uses it this way most of the time, but when he gets a problem wrong and doesn't know how to solve it, he looks at the cd to have the problem explained. He is using Alg 1 now and I don't remember everything from Alg 1 since I am not reviewing it with him. If you are comfortable explaining why your student got something wrong then I think you would be fine without the cds. HTH!

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Yes, the book has the exact same content as the CD, sample problems and all. We started out using the CDs but halfway through the year my dd decided it was faster to just use the book, so she quit using the CDs altogether. She just reads it, I do the sample problems (5 each lesson) with her, and then she does the lesson on her own. Next year we will just be using the book, which I wish I had known before I ordered, because now the CDs are just going to sit unused on my shelf. :glare: Oh well. Maybe my next kiddo will use them.

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We do not buy the CDs with TT math courses through Math 7. I did buy them for the high school courses, but we have seldom used them. The few times we used them were when we couldn't figure out how to set up a word problem or a proof, and we needed to see the complete solution instead of the answer only (which is all the answer key has). I think we might have used the CDs two or three times each for Algebra 1 and Algebra 2, and a few times more than that for Geometry. I should've saved my money and bought the text & answer key only. I could've just asked for the solution here on the boards those few times.

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