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Chicken Pox or Chigger Bites?

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I'll know for sure in a few days, but right now the curiosity is killing me.


My 3 year old has about 10 small blistered spots in different places. When I saw the first I thought it might be chiggers. We all have a few similar spots around our ankles that I had assumed were from walking outside and getting bitten.


Her spots aren't near her ankles though. They are all individual blisters on her legs, arms and cheek. We've also been inside the last couple days. She had a line of blisters on the inside of her arm a couple weeks ago, but I blamed that on poison ivy because of the timing and pattern. I don't get poison ivy, so I thought I might have accidentally rubbed some of the oil onto her after I finished mowing some brush.


We haven't vaccinated for chicken pox. She has two siblings, and I'm due with our fourth child at the end of July. I have had chicken pox and shingles. The shingles was years ago, so I don't think she caught anything from me. So is it chicken pox? Chigger bites? Something else?


I tried to take pictures before she laid down for the night, but she was not cooperative.

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it's really hard to know.


is she running fever? runny nose? upset stomach?




my son just went through a lot of bites on his arms, didn't now what it was. It was mosquito bites that got infected and went into impetigo. Had to put prescription antibiotic cream to clear it up.


For now, treat the symptoms, it's about all you can do.

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Hmmm. She might be a little warm, but not ill otherwise. I distinctly remember when I had chicken pox, and I had no symptoms prior to blistering. These are all completely separate, not in groups like impetigo.


The rest of us only have had bites around our ankles. She has none on her ankles. Her blisters are mid-thigh, upper calf, upper arm, etc. She went from one or two yesterday to about 10 today. I guess I'll see what she looks like when she wakes up in the morning. The soonest we would even be able to leave the house is Thursday, and we will know one way or another before then.


I wish I could get a picture of her spots to post!

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I was covered in chiggers a few years back. Those little buggers did not seem to get the tight area memo. I went in out of fear of having CP but it wasn't. When I got home dh used a bright white flashlight at an angle and he could see the chigger on each spot still.

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We had chicken pox last summer. Breaking out was a 2 day process at least. We went from a few odd bumps. Nothing like what I thought. D's had 2 in the middle of his back -- heat rash? Dd bumps looked the same but on side of neck and 1 on arm. To slight blisters to full bloan miserable kids. Separately of course. If it is chicken pox you will probably know in the morning. One thing I discovered was as soon as the blisters started to go away I put zinc oxide on them. Within a week dd was close to presentable. She was 13 so this was really traumatic.

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