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Stubborn acne!!!

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After almost 8 months of seeing my dermatologist, I have decided to switch as he is not prescribing anything for me that is working. I have been to him 4 times and he upped the dosage, but all to no avail. It stinks, because now I have to go to a completely new person, but I hope this time around I will find a cure. It is not severe, but it is consistent and I just want it to disappear for good. Accutane is a last resort and I mean last resort. I have seen the good it can do, but I know there are many bad side effects. My skin overall is not terrible, just a few pimples around my nose area, but even then I am still self consious about it. The derm I was seeing wanted me to pay a lot of money for treatments that were not covered by insurance, and I have a friend who was treated without having to do any of that and she had worse than I have now.


So my parents have finally agreed that I can see a new dermatologist, and we will se where that leads us. Genetics are not nice sometimes...:tongue_smilie:


Just thrilled to share!!:)

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What is PCOS?


For years there was disagreement on diagnosis, as not everyone has "all" the symptoms. Most now recognize PCOS as a metabolic disorder (i.e., rooted in insulin issues). The chief criteria are usually irregular cycles and elevated testosterone (which may result in acne).

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I realize this is a few days old but am bumping it on purpose to say thanks for the link to the zinc thread. My daughter has been on zinc for all of four days now (50 mg daily of whatever brand Publix carries), and it has already made a significant difference in her skin. Every morning, it has been better than it was the day before. She is at the gym for five hours a day, and I swear that I can see a difference in that five hours. I hesitate to declare victory quite yet, but truly, the result has been remarkable. She has a few old spots that have not disappeared completely (yet--but hey, it has only been four days!), but even if it never gets any better, it is definitely at a level she can live with.


To everyone who has posted about their experience with zinc: thank you thank you thank you! My daughter thinks I am brilliant!



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