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Who LOVES History Projects?


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I know there are plenty of people out there who don't do the projects in the SOTW AG, but we live for them at my house. In fact, we've found that there aren't nearly enough! My daughter fights listening to any non-fiction unless I promise a project afterwards. And the time spent making the project is the time when she really thinks about what we read and asks questions. Is there anyone who has done EXTRA projects and would like to share what they've done?

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I am personally looking forward to trying the chicken mummy this coming year! Never mind if the kids like it; Mom wants to try it. (I think they'll like it, though; they loved doing the messy and kinda gross jello-and-candy cell model last year, and it did help them learn the functions of cell parts.)


My kids like doing projects to an extent. They often like historic games and such, and they love food that is similar to how people in a particular era would have eaten, but when it comes to "make a such-and-such," DD is picky. She really likes historic arts and crafts, but she wants them to be authentic. Like, when we studied American history, she wasn't interested in paper weaving to imitate colonial weavers; she's seen enough real looms that she wanted the shuttle and everything. (And we'll not even talk about historic costumes, haha -- yikes.)

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We like them, although we start out strong, and then after January, we usually start skipping a lot and don't do them every week like we do earlier in the year. I'm trying to think if we added other things, and the only thing I can think of is recipes. I love to cook foods from the time period we are studying. I like the recipies in the SOTW AG, but I want more! :001_smile: So I add more. I found some for nearly every week in our SL Core C/SOTW2 combo for next year. I can't wait to try them!

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We like them, although we start out strong, and then after January, we usually start skipping a lot and don't do them every week like we do earlier in the year. I'm trying to think if we added other things, and the only thing I can think of is recipes. I love to cook foods from the time period we are studying. I like the recipies in the SOTW AG, but I want more! :001_smile: So I add more. I found some for nearly every week in our SL Core C/SOTW2 combo for next year. I can't wait to try them!


Love your blog! I'll be back to visit!

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LOVE them, but not the "make a costume" ones. We don't sew very well around here...well, I don't. We only have one kiddo homeschooling, so acting things out doesn't go over well, either, and we don't perform little plays or build things, etc.

For us now, it's mostly cooking, some "real" crafts from the time period, games, etc.


My boys didn't homeschool (except the oldest, just for high school) but they really enjoyed scrubbing antique coins. You soak in olive oil for a couple of weeks, then wire brush/scrub them, then re-soak/re-scrub if you need to.


We did a lot in the first two AGs and slightly less in the 3rd one.

I did like some of the supplementary ideas in Old Testament Days and we are looking forward to cooking around the country next year (even if we don't homeschool) using Cooking Up US History.

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