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Tooth Fairy Goof

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My youngest lost a tooth last night. She went to bed with her tooth securely under her pillow. Sometime last night, the tooth fairy left $2.00 (and yes, I'm positive that 2.00 was left, bills folded up together for easy 'sliding' ;) ).


This morning when I asked her if the tooth fairy had come during the night, she went to go check and excitedly brought back $1.00. I told her to check again since the tooth fairy was here just a few weeks ago and left her $2.00 last time. She checked and came back, nope, just 1.00. Mystified, I went and checked. I know my youngest thinks I'm a bit crazy as I was lifting pillows, shaking out sheets and blankets, crawling under her bed and finally lifting the entire mattress. Only 1.00.


Meanwhile, dd10 is eating breakfast and ignoring all of the commotion. I'm almost positive that she took the other 1.00 but I'm not sure how to go about getting it back! (DD12 wouldn't take it as she isn't able to comprehend the concept of tooth fairy nor did she realize that DD7 lost a tooth). I am positive it isn't in her bed anywhere as their room is spotless, not a thing on the floor and nothing is kept under their beds.


I'm trying to discreetly search for the money without blowing my cover. Any suggestions on how to get it back short of an outright confrontation over it?

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we don't do the tooth fairy anymore. My girls didn't even believe in the tooth fairy when they lost their first tooth. I started the tooth fairy with my oldest and his brother but this one time I was sick with the flu and forgot to put the money under their pillows three nights in a row. I finally said there wasn't a tooth fairy, I was sick and forgot.. here have five bucks.


Now, they lose a tooth and bring it to me smiling asking for money! Still exciting and they still get money.

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If you are 100% confident that you put both bills under the pillow, this is what I would do.


I would "find" a note in the mail box to you from the tooth fairy. Stating that your daughter wasn't given the right amount of money and that the tooth fairy will make it up in 24 hours. She just ran out of enough $$ for the night. You know money doesn't grow on trees, not even fairy trees! :001_smile:


Then I would sit down with the other child and let them know that I think some money wasn't were I left it and then I'd let them sweat it out. I'd show them the letter and tell them that the money had better be put under MY pillow by a specific time and no one better spill the beans about the tooth fairy or XYZ will be happening.


The next day, once the money was returned and toothless child is off playing, a long quiet discussion will take place with the thief.


If the money wasn't returned then I'd replace the money during the night and toothless child will get to go on a playdate out of the house while thief will be enduring a long loud conversation along with a list of hard labour chores.


But that is just my two cents!

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I'm not sure I'm understanding this correctly. :confused:


Your 10yo stole money from her younger sister and you are concerned about confronting her? If that's the case I would be more concerned about the theft. It sounds like there are bigger issues going on ATM than the tooth fairy being exposed.


I would be having a talk with my 10yo and reprimand her for stealing. Sure, it was only a dollar but what if the tooth fairy had left 2 $10 bills instead? It's a slipperly slope and one that is best stopped at a younger age. Your younger dd is 7 and while I understand the desire to keep the magic of the tooth fairy alive, kids can still very much enjoy the tooth fairy while knowing the truth about "her". ;)


Just my $0.02




My youngest lost a tooth last night. She went to bed with her tooth securely under her pillow. Sometime last night, the tooth fairy left $2.00 (and yes, I'm positive that 2.00 was left, bills folded up together for easy 'sliding' ;) ).


This morning when I asked her if the tooth fairy had come during the night, she went to go check and excitedly brought back $1.00. I told her to check again since the tooth fairy was here just a few weeks ago and left her $2.00 last time. She checked and came back, nope, just 1.00. Mystified, I went and checked. I know my youngest thinks I'm a bit crazy as I was lifting pillows, shaking out sheets and blankets, crawling under her bed and finally lifting the entire mattress. Only 1.00.


Meanwhile, dd10 is eating breakfast and ignoring all of the commotion. I'm almost positive that she took the other 1.00 but I'm not sure how to go about getting it back! (DD12 wouldn't take it as she isn't able to comprehend the concept of tooth fairy nor did she realize that DD7 lost a tooth). I am positive it isn't in her bed anywhere as their room is spotless, not a thing on the floor and nothing is kept under their beds.


I'm trying to discreetly search for the money without blowing my cover. Any suggestions on how to get it back short of an outright confrontation over it?

Edited by plain jane
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I'm not sure if 10yoDD knows about the tooth fairy and our house is too small at the moment for any real confrontation (it's raining outside). I'm trying to figure out how to do this right. And yes, I'm worried about more than just the missing dollar. I'd like to solve this in a light-hearted fashion and then lower the boom on DD10 about the lie/theft. But just punishment seems empty. I feel like I'm doing something wrong in raising my kids for her to think it's okay to take stuff from her younger sister.

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I'm not sure if 10yoDD knows about the tooth fairy and our house is too small at the moment for any real confrontation (it's raining outside). I'm trying to figure out how to do this right. And yes, I'm worried about more than just the missing dollar. I'd like to solve this in a light-hearted fashion and then lower the boom on DD10 about the lie/theft. But just punishment seems empty. I feel like I'm doing something wrong in raising my kids for her to think it's okay to take stuff from her younger sister.


Gosh no, sweetie. :grouphug::grouphug: Kids do things that are wrong, plain and simple. Stealing, while not desirable behavior, is normal in young kids. You're not doing anything wrong. Your 10yo is maturing, pushing her boundaries, seeing what she can get away with. It's normal. Annoying :glare: but normal.


Have I mentioned it's normal? ;) I would be doing my best to put an end to it because again, it's a slippery slope and much easier to end now, if you can.


Parenting is not easy, but this isn't the case of your having done something wrong. :grouphug:

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