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Question about going off white sugar, flour, etc...

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I have been off of white sugar and trying to eat healthy for 5 days now. Last night my joints and bones really ached and I had trouble sleeping and woke up achey, would that be from my body de-toxing? I kind of feel "spaced-out" also. Just wondering if this is normal. I was hoping to feel better by eating right. I have a major amount of weight to lose. Any thought or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

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I think it can be normal BUT...are you replacing those foods with enough other good healthy foods? I know I get jittery if I don't eat enough protein. That isn't quite the same as joint pain, but just a thought. I would love to hear more about your progress. I try to eat healthy and exercise, but I have never had the guts to give up the white stuff completely. Are you using a specific program?

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Eat one banana (or half) a day. When my parents began watching their carbs (Atkins diet), my dad started getting muscle cramps, and also jittery and shaky. He found that the potassium in the banana helped a lot.


I also did Atkins, and in the book it mentions that when you eat extremely low carb for an extended period of time (this is not normally how you do Atkins, btw), you need potassium supplements, and possibly other supplements. Over the counter potassium provides a very small amount of potassium (3%, I think). I don't know how much a banana provides, but if it's not enough, your doctor can prescribe a potassium supplement that gives you a much higher percentage.

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Completely normal. Every time I quit eating sugar (why can't it just be once and done??), I go through the same de-tox symptoms -- fatigue, headaches, and a LOT of muscle/joint aches. It usually lasts about 3-4 days for me, but it could take longer.


Be sure to get the rest you need, drink plenty of water, eat lots of veggies, and eat fruit when you want something sweet.


Good job on the 5 days, btw!!!! The nasty stuff will pass in short order, and you'll be feeling better than ever really soon. You're doing a really, REALLY good thing!


Edited to add: The aches can get so bad for me that I need advil so I can sit or sleep comfortably. Another thing that helps is some gentle exercise (like walking). It just seems to work the junk out of my system faster. So: Advil, rest, water, exercise. And time. :D

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I am glad that this is the norm. I just thought I would feel this way sooner since I ate nothing but junk! I hope it goes away soon though. I have been trying to drink a lot to flush it out of my system. The joint pain is a lot better this afternoon but the fatigue has set in. It took a lot of effort to go outside and turn the water off. I am also really tired, but have had major trouble falling asleep the last 3 days. I must have totally shocked my body by finally eating something healthy!! :lol: I am amazed that I have succeeded into day 5. Please keep encouraging me. I have a lot more than 100#'s to lose. I finally got fed up with not being able to do the fun stuff with my family and decided to get healthy. I will need the encouragement to continue on - I usually give up after week three. I am basically trying to just eat healthy food, and not eat eating processed stuff. If I feel the need to eat something I eat it, but make a healthy choice. Somehow pigging out on fruits and veggies isn't as enticing as the junk food so my portions are smaller too. I basically figured if God made it (and man didn't have to do much to it) than it should be healthy. I am trying to remember to pray also, when I am wanting that which I shouldn't have!:D Thanks again for your help and encouragement!!

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Do you drink soda? Dh lost nearly 50lbs by simply eliminating soda and fast food. There will be withdrawl, but, believe it or not, it goes away after detox (usually after two weeks the annoying symptoms at least subside). Biggest rule of thumb - if you don't recognize it (or the first 5 or 6 ingredients), don't put it in your mouth. Or, of course, if you do recognize it and its not actually food (ie fructose corn syrup!), don't eat it. Remember, though, all sweeteners are not all bad. Even on detox cleanses, honey or maple syrup is recommended to help keep blood sugars level.

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If you begin to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, your pH will start to become more alkaline. If you are very alkaline, you may feel "spacey." You can check this with urine pH strips or tape from the health food store. But, I would give yourself two weeks to acclimate before bothering to try to change it on your won.


If after two weeks you are still very alkaline, you can google for an acid/alkaline fruit and vegetable list and try to help yourself balance out.





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Most meats are acidic, some dairy and cheese is alkaline, and fruits and vegetables can vary.


I googled for a generic chart, and found one that I believe is reasonable. I am not advocating anything else on this site, as I just haven't looked at it. YMMV. Please note, I am not suggesting that you be overly consumed by this. I suggest it can be a useful tool for the process of becoming aware, but don't let it keep you up at night, kwim?






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